Intro to That's So Corbeau

Hi you beautiful souls! Welcome to my official blog for That’s So Corbeau!!!

I want to start off by saying that it means that absolute world that you are here checking things out! I can’t wait to dive deep on my love for all things fashion, beauty & lifestyle!!! 

First of all, Corbeau is my name in French — RAVEN!!! :)

ANYWAYS… I want to dive in on a fun little intro of myself before I get into the good stuff!!! (Eek! I can’t wait!)

✨ To start off I’m a 24 YO Pisces bb – my birthday is March 7th, 1996!!!

✨ I was born & raised on a farm, and by born I legit mean it; I was a home birth (the only one of my sibs – totally planned /w 3 midwives & all!) Side note: my wonderful parents still live there!

✨ I’m the youngest of 4; we’re all 3 years apart. My sister/BFF, Rachael (who you see a lot of on my IG) is the oldest (I know it may be hard to believe but she’s 9 years OLDER than me!) — we have 2 bros in between us (Dakoda (6 years older) & Damon (3 years older)); but they’re not big social media guys! Lol.

✨ I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years. We started dating when I was 16! He’s 3 years older, and he’s an absolute dreamboat — the most selfless & caring soul I’ve ever encountered. He truly knows how to love my heart unconditionally! That unconditional part is no joke – he’s such an all around kind, genuine & wicked guy! 

✨ I am an adult figure skater; I skated for about 10 years when I was younger. I then quit to pursue modeling for about 3-ish/4 years in high school, and then took a year off after high school too. I later ended that to go off to college. After finishing college, I moved to my hometown, and was feeling some kind of ambition to get back to the rink. I found a new coach who was willing to take on this old fart. SO, I decided to return, and now the rest is history!

✨ For College, I studied Business Management @ Humber College in Toronto. I ended up graduating w/ honours; which was truly a miracle after dealing with crazy health struggles. 

✨ To go with that (and the whole unconditional love situation), I was diagnosed with an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) called Ulcerative Colitis (UC) when I was just 17 / in my final year of high school. I’ve been dealing with it for almost 7 years now; and I can truthfully say that although my chronic illness doesn’t define me, it sure is a lot of the reason for why I am so positive & love life so much!

✨ ANYWAYS, after graduation, I worked some retail. Then worked at a bank. After that, I worked at an engineering company, before I finally landed my dream corporate job!!! I have dreamed about working there (or manifested, if you will! hehe) since I was a little girl. I work in the Corporate Affairs department supporting external interface coordination, and I absolutely love it! 

✨ I’m an Ambivert aka I like to think of myself as an extrovert with introverted tendencies; meaning, I am a social butterfly, but I work/think/create best when I am alone. Surprising to some, right!?

✨ Lastly, my friends are also like my family — the Pisces in me craves love + thrives off of deep connection! High vibes are the only vibe!!!

Now that you have a fun little bio of me, I can’t wait to dive deep on all of my passions with you!!!

Thank you again for following along! Chat to you all of you babes soon!!!

With so much love!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave
