2022: A Brief Recap

Hiiiiii! OMG! Big warm hugs & welcome back! 

Weehoo, what a summer!!!!!!!!!!! 

I’m freaking married y’all! Ahh!!! It’s such a beautifully blissful feeling. I can’t wait to recap and tell you allllllll about our dream come true! *blog post to come* 

For now, here’s a quick recap on 2022 so-far! 

There’s been a whole lot of celebrating, bachelorettes, wedding planning, weddings, honeymooning, downtime (v important), positive work changes, soul connections, puppy snuggles, and so much more happening this year. 

I gave myself a whole lot of grace and filled myself with a whole lot of love. It’s been such a fab year for my mind, body & soul.

To start, I’ve been to Montreal, Niagara Falls, & Toronto for bachelorettes, and of course, Turkey Point for my own (which was – omg – a dream, so amazing! I have the best friends in the whole world!). We’ve also had allllll of the beautiful celebrations of love to get the precious bachelorette’s wifed up.


We had our magical wedding day & immediately went honeymooning to Cali baby!!! I felt like I was a co-star in a romantic comedy for a solid month there – it was all such an actual dream come true!!!

Now, y’all, don’t get me wrong, wedding planning is soooo rewarding but dang it is also no joke; I am beyond grateful for everything we did!!! (Let me just say, owning an event consulting company 1000% helped in the whole enjoy the process & soak it all in departments – I’d do it all over again & again & again with my sweet hubby, Eric! I still cannot believe we’re married though!!! Ahhhhh! The coolest feeling!)

Although, when we got home and back to reality, I did go into total hibernation mode!

If you haven’t already picked up, I’m very high energy gal hehe – so yes, naturally I’m a lover of naps because yo girl needs to reenergize! *picture this, you’re go-go-go for moooonths on months, then life settles… and you feel like you could nap for a whoooole entire year, but you’re an adult and you literally can not!* Lol. Well, that was me! 

We got back and I totally chilllllllled for weeks with minimal plans for big outtings! I was in major need of reenergization. I’m so glad I listened to myself & didn’t push anything, so I didn’t totally burn out.  

Quick little reminder: it’s okay to need some downtime away from the busyness of life. It means you respect yourself enough to stop & reconnect to your soul purpose! Accept it. Own it. Embrace it! 

It was so needed & appreciated.

On top of getting back to work after being off for a whole month. Yep, I guess I sort of left that out… haha! I also took off work for a whole month this summer – super grateful but weeeee, super busy! 

Anyways, once I got back to work I transitioned into a new job… same company of course (because #I’mALifer). & okay, it wasn’t totally a new job but I haven’t been in this position since before the panny so it was a major change for me! Certainly a good-positive change though… I adore the gals I work with, the consistent workload and the variety of task it offers! So that’s been a good change as life all around resumes to normal!

I’ve spent a lot more time connecting with friends who set my soul on fire. Friends (and family) who broaden my mind by elevating the subjects with soulful conversations… I love creating space for welcoming alllllll of the good energy! Especially this year!

With the wonderful life changes, I love to also ensure I stay deeply rooted and connected to myself; so, staying connected to like-minded people encourages that kind of positivity in my life! I can’t recommend it enough to y’all!!! Surround yourself with people who inspire you to level up!

&& of course, dare I forget my bbg, Harlow in my recap! Hehe! We’ve gotten sooooo many snugs, adventures and cuteness in with her in the midst of all the fun & memories this year. She’s been in gracious loving hands (of my sissy & in-law’s) while we’ve jetted out this year and we’re so grateful she gets to live her best life while we live ours!

Alright that’s about all I’ve got for a recap for now – I think I’ve covered the major parts of it! This was short and sweet but I’ll be back soon with more babes!

Peace & love angels!


That’s So Corbeau

Aka Rave