Skincare Sunday: My Extensive Skincare Routine

I love a good routine, there is no sense in denying that; but my favourite routine of them all is my trusty skincare routine!

Of course, I’m sure like most, skincare was first introduced when I was a pre-teen. I remember starting with the classic Clean & Clear cleanser that was in the purple and green bottle… I don’t think for any particular reason, other than it was what my sister used and I was highly influenced by her! (Not like much has changed, except we now swap beauty-secrets and inspo! Hehe)

Years later, while at Zellers (throwback lol miss that store!), I remember asking my mom for the newly dropped Clean & Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser. You know, the citrus stuff that was all the rage in the magazines… Okay, it could’ve just been something that I was hyped about BUT still #LevelUp! Lol. 

Anyways, I started to get more and more into skincare when I was 14 or 15. I went to my first summer camp with a Modeling Agency. They taught us about different skin-types, the steps to a good skincare routine, and the golden rule of: “less is more!” 

After that spa day/ skincare class, I remember going to Shoppers Drug Mart to pick out some moisturizer to add to my routine. Between the cleanser and the moisturizer, that was the start to my “skincare routine”.

Although, I learned about washing my face before bed growing up, it wasn’t until I was prescribed a gnarly medication about 4 years ago (shortly after losing my hair) that I had to be extremely cautious of my skin, especially in the sun. 

This cautiousness led me to learn about the importance of a good skincare routine. 

Disclaimer: I’m not a dermatologist. I just love researching the skin. Truthfully, if I ever had a change in career,  that’s what I’d choose!

I’m a skincare junkie, there’s just no denying it! 

I’ve created a step-by-step routine for those days thatI really feel like pampering myself a little extra! Most of the products I use daily, but some are only used 2-3X a week.

With that, here is my 100-step… jk, 12-step extensive skincare routine in order including product details: 

Step 1: Remove makeup 

I personally love the Kirkland (Costco brand) makeup remover wipes. I find that they remove makeup SO well. (They even remove the stubborn waterproof makeup!)

Shameful confession: sometimes after a night of drinking (or if I’m super tired), and I don’t feel like doing my full nighttime routine, I’ll just use one of these bad boys to remove my makeup before I hit the sheets. I guess, the positive is that I actually remove my makeup! Lol.  

 Step 2: Cleanse

Cleanser is something that I switch up every 6-9 months to try something different. My current favourites are cleansers by Tatcha – I was using the Gentle Exfoliant for a while, and I’ve just recently started using The Rice Wash. Both have been amazing!!! 

For those days/nights that I wear makeup (+ in the shower), I’ll use my Clarisonic for a deeper clean. 

Step 3: Facial Steaming

About 3 times a week I’ll steam my face with my facial steamer. I just found it on Amazon, and it’s done me wonders! 

If you don’t have a facial steamer, a hot steamy shower does the same trick! Steaming the face is fabulous for opening up the pores, and softening the blackheads and dirt making it easier to remove.

Step 4: Exfoliate

I typically exfoliate my face once or twice a week either after steaming or in the shower (after cleansing), using the Kiehls Microdermabrasion Exfoliant. It leaves my skin smoother than a babies bum.

Tip: although exfoliating is great for the skin, too much can actually be harmful. If you’re thinking of starting, start with once a week, and move up as your skin builds its tolerance.

Step 5: Face Mask

I love a good face mask! Sheet masks are typically my go-to for a quick refresh of the skin – they add so much additional moisture to the skin leaving it so beautifully dewy! 

Lately, I have been using the Origins Charcoal Clay Mask again. It’s always been a fave, along with their Rose Clay mask. I personally love that I can notice it actively working in my skin, leaving my face smooth, radiant and even more plump. 

Step 6: Toner

Toner is so great for shrinking the pores, balancing out the pH levels, and refreshing the skin.  It is truthfully one of my fave steps in my skincare routine!

I’ve been using the Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Toner by REN Clean Skincare. I’ve tried a few, but currently this one takes the cake! I love the AHA component to this toner. AHA reduces the appearance of blackheads, and also doubles as a gentle exfoliant.

Step 7: Vitamin C Serum

A Vitamin C Serum is the first ingredient to my secret sauce of glowing skin. It’s hydrating, brightening and ALSO evens out the skin tone.

Summer Fridays CC Me Vitamin C Serum has been my go-to for years now! 

Step 8: Eye Lash Serum

It’s a good rule of thumb to wait about 1-2 minutes between serums to allow them to absorb into the skin. 

With that being said, while I let my Vitamin C soak in, I apply a lash serum by Eye Envy to my upper lash line. Eye Lash Serums are a wonderful way to stimulate and promote lash growth. 

Step 9: Hyaluronic Acid

Next, I apply my Hyaluronic Acid by The Ordinary – just a dash for the secret sauce hehe. 

Hyaluronic Acid helps reduce the visible signs of aging (i.e. fine lines and wrinkles) and promotes hydrating-looking skin. (A lot of people are afraid of this guy because of the word acid… don’t be! In the beauty industry, think of it as a technical term for the word moisture.)

Step 10: Moisturizer

Once the hyaluronic acid has soaked in, I put on my moisturizer. I’m OBSESSED with my Aquasource Rich Cream by Biotherm. It is the perfect formula that doesn’t leave my skin feeling sticky.

The benefits of a moisturizer are a given! They reduce the signs of aging, help promote healthy looking skin and protects the surface of the skin.

Step 11: Sunscreen

Y’all! Wear your SPF!!! 

Wearing sunscreen daily is quite frankly the MOST important ingredient to what I keep referring to as, The Secret Sauce! SPF most importantly reduces the risk of skin cancer, protects against sunburns, and prevents early signs of wrinkles and fine lines. 

I often get asked what moisturizer I use, and truthfully, I believe it’s the glow from the sunscreen! My current go-to has been the Elta MD Daily Tinted SPF 40. I love that it evens out the skin-tone, and leaves my skin looking dewy! (+ that it protects from all of the harmful rays.)

Step 12: Lip Mask

Whether it’s my go-to lip mask by Laneige, or just a simple lip balm, 95% of the time I have something on to moisturize the lips. Of course, like all kinds of moisturizers, a lip mask/balm is an excellent way of hydrating, and also provides elasticity to the lips. (A win in my books!)

And voila! Just like that - you’re done!

This may seem a bit intense to some; but like mentioned, this step-by-step is for the days that I’m really looking to pamper myself from home, especially on Sunday’s! Hehe. 

Trust, once you make your skincare routine a habit, it will become easy and seem like nothing!


Also, while creating my step-by-step skincare routine, I was also thinking of some additional skincare pointers to think about!

Tip #1: Less is more

Of course, we all want the radiant, dewy-looking skin, but too much can cause breakouts and blemishes. When applying serums, or moisturizing agents, it’s important to remember the key of “less is more”. Just a dime-sized amount can go a long way!

Tip #2: Be mindful 

Be mindful if/when you are researching the listed skincare – every skin type is different and requires difference forms of treatment. For me, as mentioned, I’ve done an extensive amount of research and found products that work for my skin-type and budget. 

Tip #3 Drink water

Drinking H20 is the BEST way to achieve healthy-looking & feeling skin. Water is so underrated! It improves skin tone, maintains the pH levels of the body, reduces puffiness, prevents acne, and the list goes on and on. My tip to you: start your new skincare goals with drinking more water!!!

To me, skincare is worth the investment — it’s an investment within yourself. Start now — your future self will certainly thank you!

Here’s to dewier, healthier, and youthful-looking skin babes!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

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