Our Love Story: The Proposal

As Luke Bryan says in our song, “This is a drop everything kind of thing!”

Truly it is; and, it has been ever since the day we “met” on December 27th, 2012… I say “met” because my fiancé (Eric) & I have crossed paths in a lot of fateful ways before we started dating… 

For starters: years prior he bought a dirt bike from my oldest brother… around that same time, he was my OTHER brother’s defense partner in hockey… AND, during high school (as well as, college for him), we worked at the same store… can you say, “everything happens for a reason?” Because I sure can!!! 

How it started:

Now, contrary to popular belief, we didn’t meet at the store (lol) – we met through some mutual friends of ours!

A few of my besties started dating guys in his friend group; SO! I guess you could say that I kind of third wheeled them for nights out.  

One night, December 27th, to be exact, my friends and I were out at an age of majority dance… being underage at the time, it was that much more fun (I was 16… whoops! Sorry mom… jk! She knew…) Anyways, Eric, who was 19 at the time, was there too! 

When doing as I do best… tearing up the d-floor that is… he caught my eye!

With a little bit of liquid courage, I said, “Come on Eric, come dance with me!” He then said, “I don’t know how to dance.” I replied with, “Come on, I’ll teach you!” HEHE (Sidenote: we are now typically the last 2 standing on the dance floor whenever we find one LOL.)

After that night, we then started talking… I even recall during a girl’s night a few days later my friends asked why I was smiling so much at my phone… HEHE so I told them about Eric!

On New Year’s Eve that year, Eric & I ended up at the same party – that’s when sparks really flew, if you will HEHE… it became more public, and we were what they called “a thing” :)

Shortly after NYE, we went on our first date. On that date, we went to the movies; it was that day, when I knew I was going to end up marrying this guy… I mean, it’s true, they say “you know when you know!”

For starters, the gentlemen that he is, he picked me up from my front door and said hello to both of my parents… they knew each other from hockey, but still, it made my heart flutter! 

Then, on our car ride, we got talking, asking questions, and just generally getting to know each other better… and, naturally, as someone who is very goal oriented, I asked him what his 5-10 year goals were… He answered with such specific detail & confidence… and it was that moment, that I deeply knew he was the one! I loved his ambition, hard-working ethic, and purpose… and I am SO proud of him for accomplishing every single goal he mentioned that day!

Of course, after a couple of months, we made it “official” on February 22nd, 2013.

How it went:

Flash forward, 8 years… it’s February 22nd, 2021.

My love had been working crazy hours since the beginning of the year, so we decided to spend our anniversary weekend at his family’s cottage on the peninsula. 

We both had that Monday off; so, we spent that morning sleeping in, ordering takeout breakfast – and just took it easy enjoying each other’s company. 

Our only plan for that day was to go for a hike.  

On the hike we were just being our goofy selves… watching our puppy leap through the snow, making jokes, and talking about everything under the sun – it was magical!

As we got closer to the main views on our hike, my breath was taken! The views were stunning, the weather was perfect and there was not another soul on the trail…

When we got to the main look-out point, I said, “WOW! BABE! This is stunning – we should take a picture!” He said, “Okay! Let’s do it on the Go-Pro.” 

Side note: we adventure a lot, and often bring the Go-Pro with us, so I didn’t think anything of it. Not to mention, it had been 8-years, so I was fully chill & content with the way things were for us.

Where the Go-Pro was originally set-up, it didn’t have much of a vibey view behind. So I said, “Hey babe, try over there! The view is way better!”… Meanwhile, my love already had the camera on so it captured the whole transition!

He then got the Go-Pro set-up in a tree that faced the gorgeous escarpment and views behind us.

As he was walking back to Harlow & I… me, still thinking it was a photo on timer, I said, “How much time do we have?”… He looks back at the camera, and back at me… as he’s pulling the ring box out of his jacket, he says, “It’s not a photo… Rave,  you make me the happiest man in the world…These have been the best 8 years of my life… and I want to spend the next 80 with you… Will you marry me?” Me, so shocked, at a loss of words, and repeatedly saying “BABE!” I then replied with, “Uh huh!… YES!!!” 

Eric then went on to say that the ring was a placeholder ring, because he had a guy lined up in Toronto that we would be working with to make my dream ring together!!!!!!

And so, over the next number of weeks we got to designing the ring… getting to pick the 3C’s (colour, cut, clarity), the metal, the details of the band, and then, we ended up getting to select the diamond itself!!! 

After looking at multiple, the diamond we ended up selecting, wildly enough came all the way from ISRAEL!!!!! Like how cool!?

Of course, since the ring wasn’t ready for several weeks after Eric proposed, so we took some time to enjoy the excitement just between the 2 of us… it was the sweetest, most magical time together!

We then slowly began telling close friends & family within a few weeks. It so special telling each person in their own intimate setting’s + getting to celebrate with everyone at separate times.

After weeks of waiting, the ring was ready for pick-up on Easter weekend.

It was so beautiful being able to make a day out of it – getting to enjoy the day road-tripping to Toronto, getting excited, reminiscing, and listening to our fave music… it was so special!

That being said, our jeweller was so INCREDIBLE! He kept us up-dated often, was a wealth of knowledge and made us feel extremely confident with making such a big decision. 

When we got into his office, he passed us the ring… again, I was shocked and at a loss of words… so in excitement, I said “HOLY SHIT! Is that it??? Is that thing even real!? I fricken love it!!!”… 

From the time we left his office, to the time we got home, all I wanted to do was stare at this gorgeous ring on my hand… I mean, all I still want to do is stare at it! LOL Eric did SO good – everything about it was such a dream come true!!!

On our way home, we stopped at a park outside of the city for a picnic… we popped some champagne… I squealed A. LOT., LOL like a lot a lot (ask Eric hehe)… and this grin on my face, yeah that hasn’t been wiped off since February 22nd, 2021… well basically since I met Eric near 9 years ago!!! :))))))))

Let me just tell you, this man is so perfectly sweet, kind, and thoughtful!!! He’s always going above & beyond for me, our poochy, and EVERYONE around him! I just love him SO much!!! 

How it’s going:

Wedding planning has been in full swing over here these days.

We have our date, venue, and almost, if not all, of our vendors selected & contacted.

The Type-A organizer in me has been loving all of it!!! (Not to mention, previously owning an event consulting business, has absolutely come in clutch during the brainstorming, planning, and for knowing what to expect!) 

But, I will spare all those details until after our wedding!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh! I cannot wait to marry my dreamy man in 9 months!!!

For now, enjoy some sneaks from our engagement photos! We are beyond obsessed with all of them & we absolutely adore our wedding photographer!!! She’s insanely talented!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave
