Supplements: What I Take Daily

Welcome back sunshine!!!

Okay, this week I’ll be diving deep and talking allllll about supplements. This has been a highly requested post for some time, so here it goes!!!

Also, the timing couldn’t be more perfect as I recently got in a order. (Coincidence or influence (for this post), you’ll never know hehe!)

That to say, I value my health so so much! It’s top tier priority for this household. From good nutritious meals, to working out & moving our body’s, to consuming positivity… all the way to the supplements/vitamins we take daily (our dog even takes supplements too hehe!).

Disclaimer: I am certainly not a doctor, nor do I claim to be one. I’ve just simply done my extensive research. I’ve trialed and errored. I’ve even gone from taking my supplements, to then stopping because I was “feeling fine”… big mistake… BIIIIG MISTAKE. Pro-tip: don’t stop taking supplements just because you’re feeling good lol learn from my mistakes.

Now, before I get into it, I want to say this – your health is an investment, not an expense; however, I’m not here to encourage you all to go out and buy all these supplements all at once, not at all. What I do certainly encourage is that you evaluate what feels best for yourself and choose products that align with your specific needs.

Alright, now let’s get to it!!!

Below I’ve listed the supplements I take daily. Then, below that, I’ve briefly outlined the benefits of each supplement.

That said, the list of supplements I take daily includes:

-        Collagen
-        Probiotic
-        GABA
-        Ashwaganda
-        Iron
-        Zinc w/ Vitamin C
-        Vitamin B Complex
-        Vitamin D
-        Hair, skin, nails gummy


I started taking collagen when I lost my hair about 6 years ago. Collagen majorly helps with healthy hair, nails & skin. I personally notice a biiig difference in all those areas. & bonus! It even helps to promote a healthy gut!

Hair, Skin, Nails Gummy:

Okay, skipping the list on this one because it goes hand-in-hand with the above. The hair, skin & nails gummy, well obvi, helps with all of that! They’re tasty too! Even my nail tech has noticed the transformation in my nails since starting (could also contribute to the cuticle oil I lather on non-stop but whatevs these gummies are the best! lol)


I keep mine in the fridge! They’re amazing for gut health – that’s why I take it every day; but they’re also amazing for boosting immunity, vag health, and even skin health too!


GABA is a milder anxiety supplement. It helps to relax the mind & calm anxiety, stress, and fear. I take this every single day. It’s a non-negotiable!


This stuff is amazing! I would say the functions are like GABA but w/ more intensity. Ashwaganda majorly relieves stress & anxiety, lowers inflammation in the body, and promotes healthier/better sleep. It’s not totally needed every single day, but I personally take it to maximize my zen.


Where are my anemic girlies at!? IYKYK… over the last 10 years, I’ve majorly struggled with my iron levels. Thankfully I’ve transitioned to capsules of iron, rather than weekly drives to London for IV’s of iron… lol I was once a very very sleepy girlie… grateful those days are over and iron supplements now support my hemoglobin production, and have reduced fatigue.

Zinc w/ Vitamin C:

Promotes immune defense. *knock on wood, I have not been sick in over a year*
Zinc alone – supports a healthy immune system.
Vitamin C alone – known as an ascorbic acid: necessary for growth, development and repair of all tissues. It’s involved in many body functions.
So, together these 2 work as a dream team to keep our body always functioning well!

Vitamin B Complex:

This supplement is so great for overall cell health, nerve function & energy levels. Don’t be alarmed when your pee starts looking a groovy neon colour lol this will happen with b complex when you’re giving your body more than it needs!

Vitamin D:

Ahhh yes! We looove that feeling when we step out into the sunshine, don’t we!? Vitamin D is the jack of all trades for supplements. As a Canadian, a lot of us are Vitamin D deficient. That said, it’s sooo crucial to take especially in the winter. It’s required of our overall body function! Vitamin D: reduces the risk of disease, improves overall health, regulates mood, and reduces depression. It’s a must!!!

BONUS! Rescue Remedy: these lozenges are amazing for when in a pinch. I take these babies regularly. They help relieve symptoms of stress, anxiety, and to calm the nerves. They’re miraculous little things!!! I always keep them on me. & I’ve even gotten many friends hooked on them too! They’re bomb!

Oh! Also! This is a little random but totally goes along the health/nutrition lines lol… I’ve recently switched out my first morning coffee for greens. I have totally noticed a drastic change in my energy levels throughout the day. I don’t feel I get the crash from coffee like I once did. Plus, I’m getting my daily intake of green so that’s a major win in my books! I use the Genuine Health brand in flavour dark chocolate!

Alright queens, that concludes my rundown of the supplements/vitamins I take daily!

Again, this list of supplements I take daily has been built over the years through lots of research, professional help, and has been curated to meet my personal needs. If something feels in alignment with your current needs, I’d say give it a try! Lots of these supplements listed are great for maintaining and achieving overall health!

Advice: start small and build as you go. Like I’ve mentioned, there is absolutely no need to go out and grab one of everything listed above. Start with what feels right. Get into the habit of taking your supplements daily and grow from there!

Another little piece of advice: If you choose to source some new supplements, I’d highly recommend selecting & sourcing from a natural food store. This will ensure you’re getting what the bottle says, and not something packed with artificial junk! I personally use the following brands: CanPrev, AOR, Sisu, and St Francis. New Roots is a goodie too!

Now, how do I ensure that I am taking my supplements?

On Sunday’s when I reset & prep for the week ahead, I like to also organize my supplements for each day. I organize them into little pill containers. This helps me to stay organized and stay consistent with the habit.

I hope all of you beautiful souls reading this have found some insights into the supplement/vitamin world! It can seem like a lot, over burdening and even intimidating to get started; but believe, it’s for the investment of your own health and YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT!!! No questions asked!

Here’s to optimal health in 2024!!!

With so much love, positivity & peace,

That’s So Corbeau
aka Rave

2023: A Year of Growth

Hiii beauty queens!

Welcome back & happy new year!!!

I took a bit of a pause on the blog in 2023 to focus inward – and what an incredibly wholesome, transformative & beautiful year it was!

I spent a lot of time focusing inward to heal, grow & learn. I dove deep on myself by investing my time in miraculous healing modalities that aligned with where I was, where I am and where I am going on my journey.

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t challenging; however, I felt so resilient, capable, and so dang welcoming of everything that came my way because that’s on praying, receiving & growth!!!

Specific healing modalities I invested time in include: - Getting into nature. - Moving my body. - Journaling nearly every day. - Hiring a therapist. - Investing in a mindset course. - Reiki - Reflexology To name the key motivators!!!

With that, and to be totally real – growth can be really freaking hard, lonely, and difficult to push through; yet it can be so magical, beautiful & transformative all at the same time. & last year was alllll of that for me! During every difficult/unfamiliar/uncomfortable situation, I’d ask myself, “what lesson is this trying to teach me?” & in most cases, the answer would come to me almost instantly.

That to say, oh my gosh, am I ever grateful for that magical & beautifully unfamiliar, lonely & difficult journey.

What I learned: - Nature is healing. - Therapy is cool AF. I should’ve started sooner. - Protecting my peace is the GOAT. - Leading in love is the only answer. - Boundaries are marvelous. - Change won’t happen overnight, but consistency is key. - You grow the most when you’re the loneliest. - Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Our paths are all so uniquely different. - You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. - You’re more capable than you think. - Get super specific with your goals & be ready. They’re happening faster than you think! - Investing in yourself is the best gift you can ever give yourself.

Woo! I am back y’all, and I. AM. SOOO ready to dive deep & spill the tea on everything in 2024!

Buckle-up beauties & LFG!!!!!!!!

Xx, Rave Aka That’s So Corbeau

Sephora Haul: Springs Savings Event 2023

WOOOOW! Welcome back!!!

I hope you beauty queens have been doing all of the self-care, creating all of the cutest outfits and putting your best foot forward every single day!!!

Like I briefly mentioned in my last post, a lot of beautiful things have happened in my life over the last year, and I would love to recap and share more in the coming posts!!!

For now, I will be covering the Sephora Beauty Insiders Sale!

Members can receive from 20% to 10% depending on your status using code SAVENOW.

20% open to Rouge Members from April 14th to the 24th

15% open to VIB members from April 18th to 24th

10% open to insider members from April 18th to 24th

If you’re not a member, it’s free to sign up!

With that I’ve rounded up what I’ve purchased during this Spring Sale.

I’ve mostly restocked on my tried-and-true products that are running low, but I’m also trying out a few new goodies this season!

Here’s a rundown and links of what I’ve got coming:


IYKYK b/c it wouldn’t be a real Sephora haul without my absolute faves from Briogeo.

From the exfoliating shampoo to deep conditioner, and of course the leave-in conditioner spray + my fave heat protecting cream – the GOATs for frizz and long-lasting hair between washes!

Of course, I also ordered the greatest hair oil of all time – Gisou’s Honey Infused Oil


Truthfully I’ve gotten away from Sephora skincare for the most part and began investing in more medical grade products; however, I do love the Tula eye balm (I use it day and night) – it’s so hydrating and cooling at the same time! Such a good product for a little perk-up anytime too!

The one skincare product I do still get and love from Sephora is sunscreen. I’ve been using and loving this BareMinerals Tinted Gel lately – I use it daily and rarely wear full coverage foundation anymore!!!

One of the few new products that I’m trying out for the first time from this haul is the Gisou honey-infused lip oil  and excited to try it – I will report back on IG stories w/ my review on it!


I love a good restock on all of my faves like:

Ilia mascara – seriously the best the best the best!!!

NARS concealer – I’ve been using for years and haven’t found anything beats it!

All time fave Sephora brand lashes – so thick, full, glam but also very natural looking.

And for the new make-up products I’m testing out, I’m super pumped:

RARE BEAUTY liquid blush in shade Believe – I’ve never tried a liquid blush but I’m excited!

Milk Makeup Hydrating Primer – so excited to create some dewy / long-lasting looks!!!

Be sure to check out my Insta Stories for recaps and reviews on alllll of the products!


That’s So Corbeau

Aka Rave

2022: A Brief Recap

Hiiiiii! OMG! Big warm hugs & welcome back! 

Weehoo, what a summer!!!!!!!!!!! 

I’m freaking married y’all! Ahh!!! It’s such a beautifully blissful feeling. I can’t wait to recap and tell you allllllll about our dream come true! *blog post to come* 

For now, here’s a quick recap on 2022 so-far! 

There’s been a whole lot of celebrating, bachelorettes, wedding planning, weddings, honeymooning, downtime (v important), positive work changes, soul connections, puppy snuggles, and so much more happening this year. 

I gave myself a whole lot of grace and filled myself with a whole lot of love. It’s been such a fab year for my mind, body & soul.

To start, I’ve been to Montreal, Niagara Falls, & Toronto for bachelorettes, and of course, Turkey Point for my own (which was – omg – a dream, so amazing! I have the best friends in the whole world!). We’ve also had allllll of the beautiful celebrations of love to get the precious bachelorette’s wifed up.


We had our magical wedding day & immediately went honeymooning to Cali baby!!! I felt like I was a co-star in a romantic comedy for a solid month there – it was all such an actual dream come true!!!

Now, y’all, don’t get me wrong, wedding planning is soooo rewarding but dang it is also no joke; I am beyond grateful for everything we did!!! (Let me just say, owning an event consulting company 1000% helped in the whole enjoy the process & soak it all in departments – I’d do it all over again & again & again with my sweet hubby, Eric! I still cannot believe we’re married though!!! Ahhhhh! The coolest feeling!)

Although, when we got home and back to reality, I did go into total hibernation mode!

If you haven’t already picked up, I’m very high energy gal hehe – so yes, naturally I’m a lover of naps because yo girl needs to reenergize! *picture this, you’re go-go-go for moooonths on months, then life settles… and you feel like you could nap for a whoooole entire year, but you’re an adult and you literally can not!* Lol. Well, that was me! 

We got back and I totally chilllllllled for weeks with minimal plans for big outtings! I was in major need of reenergization. I’m so glad I listened to myself & didn’t push anything, so I didn’t totally burn out.  

Quick little reminder: it’s okay to need some downtime away from the busyness of life. It means you respect yourself enough to stop & reconnect to your soul purpose! Accept it. Own it. Embrace it! 

It was so needed & appreciated.

On top of getting back to work after being off for a whole month. Yep, I guess I sort of left that out… haha! I also took off work for a whole month this summer – super grateful but weeeee, super busy! 

Anyways, once I got back to work I transitioned into a new job… same company of course (because #I’mALifer). & okay, it wasn’t totally a new job but I haven’t been in this position since before the panny so it was a major change for me! Certainly a good-positive change though… I adore the gals I work with, the consistent workload and the variety of task it offers! So that’s been a good change as life all around resumes to normal!

I’ve spent a lot more time connecting with friends who set my soul on fire. Friends (and family) who broaden my mind by elevating the subjects with soulful conversations… I love creating space for welcoming alllllll of the good energy! Especially this year!

With the wonderful life changes, I love to also ensure I stay deeply rooted and connected to myself; so, staying connected to like-minded people encourages that kind of positivity in my life! I can’t recommend it enough to y’all!!! Surround yourself with people who inspire you to level up!

&& of course, dare I forget my bbg, Harlow in my recap! Hehe! We’ve gotten sooooo many snugs, adventures and cuteness in with her in the midst of all the fun & memories this year. She’s been in gracious loving hands (of my sissy & in-law’s) while we’ve jetted out this year and we’re so grateful she gets to live her best life while we live ours!

Alright that’s about all I’ve got for a recap for now – I think I’ve covered the major parts of it! This was short and sweet but I’ll be back soon with more babes!

Peace & love angels!


That’s So Corbeau

Aka Rave

Winter: Beauty Product Must-Haves

Gorgeous gorgeous girls level up on their beauty routine in the winter!

That’s right my girls I’m here to drop my beauty product must-haves for the winter…

The 5 top beauty products for winter include:

  1. Lip Balm

  2. Facial Lotion

  3. Body Lotion

  4. Hair Oil

  5. Sunscreen, always!!!

Not included but required for Canadian winters: self-tanner, obvi!!! Hehe.

For product recommendations, I have multiple for each, but obviously I have my faves! (Faves are the first listed on all of these product recs.)

1.     Lip Balm

Of course the lips take a beating with the cold crisp air – whether you enjoy outdoor activities or not, the lips tend to get dry and crack more often in the winter. Investing in a good lip product is key for combating the dry, cracked pout.

a.     Tatcha Lip Mask – Of course, it’s no surprise that I love my Tatcha products, but I absolutely loooove their Lip Mask SO much – it’s extremely hydrating and does not leave the lips sticky like other brands.

b.     Jack Black Lip Balm – My fiancé and I would literally play rock, paper, scissors over who got to keep the lip balm when I first introduced us lol they’re that good! I’ve since purchased many to have in multiple places around the home + in our vehicles! Haha! Needless to say, we now have our own little stashes hehe. 

c.     Laneige Sleeping Lip Mask – this is also a fan fave! I also have multiple around our home as well, but I must admit that I can’t use it like lip balm because I find too many applications actually makes my lips actually dry (weird flex, I know!) so I try to stick to just using it during my nighttime routine.

2.     Facial Lotion

Obviously, the face is one of the only areas not covered from the winter air, so it’s extremely important to take extra good care of it. Starting with a good moisturizing facial lotion.

a.     Biotherm Aqua Source – my tried and true, hands down best moisturizer! It’s so moisturizing and leaves me skin so hydrated for hours on end. I use a lighter moisturizer for my morning routine, and a thicker one for my evening routine. SO GOOD!!!

b.     Tatcha: The Dewy Skin Cream Plumping & Hydrating Moisturizer – it’s soooo hydrating & has a very similar texture and feel as my ride or die, Biotherm. Tatcha just all around knows where it’s at!

c.     First Aid Beauty: Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration – The name of it says it all, it’s such an amazing long-lasting, deep penetrating moisturizer for winter! 

3.     Body Lotion

The heat of the home certainly dries out the skin on our body quicker + with the dryness of the air, it’s super important to keep the whole body moisturized, always!

a.     CeraVe Moisturizing Cream – my fave body lotion, hands down! It has such a nice formula that lathers beautifully on the skin. It’s also not sticky at all. My skin feels extremely moisturized for hours! I apply every night before bed, and when I wake up my skin still feels super moisturized.

b.     Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream – this is also a great long-lasting moisturizer for the winter months! It’s hydrating as well as reparative to harmed or damaged skin.

c.     Sol de Janeiro - Brazilian Bum Bum  Body Cream – Truthfully, I have yet to give this one a try because it is a bit pricier, but it has amazing reviews, and from what I’ve heard it works incredibly to combat dryness, plus, it smells amazing!

4.     Hair oil

Hair oils are awesome for the overall health of the hair. They’re especially great for combating the dry, dull hair in the winter months. Adding it to your daily routines is a key idea!

a.     Gisou Honey-infused Oil – my personal fave. It’s so rich in nutrients for the hair + a little goes a long way. I don’t find it leaves my hair greasy but gives it a beautiful healthy-looking shine. 

b.     Olaplex No. 7 Bonding Oil – I don’t think Olaplex makes a half-assed product. Their hair oil is super good! I use it a couple times a month to repair the ends of my hair. It’s so moisturizing. But, like all the Olaplex products, they’re Salon grade and aren’t meant for everyday use.

c.     Briogeo Strengthening Treatment Oil – this hair oil is major for dry hair! I tend to use it on my hair washing days to add some moisture and shine to my hair as it’s drying. It’s major! I love the formula! 

5.     SUNSCREEN!!!!!!!

Ladies, I’m telling ya! SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. SUNSCREEN. All year round baby!

a.     Supergoop Glowscreen – my everyday wear. It has a beautiful shimmer in it that gives you that extra glow on top of the sunscreen. + it’s super light-weight and long lasting. It does not feel sticky and applies super flawlessly.

b.     Ulta MD Tinted Sunscreen – medical grade sunscreen. This is a frequently rotated sunscreen in my routine. It applies so beautifully. I love that it is tinted because I will wear it on days that I go for a natural beauty look. I do find that I wear it most in the summer, but it’s def an option for sunscreen!

c.     It Cosemetics CC Cream – this isn’t a sunscreen per say, but it does have SPF in it. I wear this bad boy 3/7 days a week when I wear a full face of makeup. It sits on the skin a bit heavier than the products above, but in comparison to other foundations it is light-weight and offers full coverage for an even complexion.

Okay, and a little extra something something for getting through winter’s here in Canada is: self-tanner! Haha. My faves are: Isle of Paradise & St. Tropez! However, the key is to keep the skin ultra-moisturized when applying self-tanner!!! Hehe… just an extra little slice of the beauty products that are a must in the winter!

Oh! And, drink yo H2O babes!!! Water is so fabulous for hydrating the skin. Like your beauty – you glow from the inside out!

Anyways, that’s all for now!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Welcome 2022: Tips for a Goal Setting Mindset

Hi besties!!!

I hope you all had the most magical & fabulous holiday season!!! 

For me, the holidays were for recharging my batteries, and that’s exactly what went down.

With having such a beautifully busy workload, pouring into my passions & mixing in a social life – I rarely take downtime to just do “nothing”… aside from Christmas with our famjam’s, I had zero plans (which is rare – I’m a busy body). 

My holidays looked a lot like this: relaxing, recharging, and sleeping. 

I read A LOT. (I finished an entire book… big accomplishment for me!) I got out in nature a lot and hiked some new trails with my loves. I watched an entire season on Netflix (Emily in Paris – cute, but corny (aka entirely my vibe lol) & I started And Just Like That on Crave – kind of a stretch by saying it’s good – let’s just say it’s def not like the old SATC). + I drank a lot of coffee, even more wine and indulged in a lot of tasty treats. 

After some much-needed downtime, I feel refreshed, recharged and so ready to tackle this new year with lots of LOVE! (Disclaimer: love is my word of the year. WOO!) 

The aesthetic of brainstorming for 2022 + a sneak of my vision board for the year.

With that, who else feels a magical fire-y feeling about 2022??? I know I sure do!!!

Obvi the number 22 has some major meaning for my love & I, so there’s that… but, after the last 2+ years of diving deep into self-love, reflection, and growth – I am ready kick some serious ass in 2022 (in the best way possible)!!! 

I’m sure like many, I have a powerfully motivated ambition running through my veins @ the beginning of each year; but, this year just hits different. Anyone else!?

Anyways, I’m here to drop some major goal setting, goal-getting energy on all of you!!!

Firstly, as mentioned above, I like to start my year with a word of the year. This sets the intentions for the year, not to mention, my overall intentions with my everyday life. 

LOVE is my word of the year. 

Love can mean 2 things… 1. an intense feeling of deep affection, 2. a great interest and pleasure in something.

I chose the word LOVE; well, for the obvious – 2022 is the year I get to marry the love of my life, my best friend, Eric; and there are lots of events leading up and around it that revolves around our love and commitment for one another. ALSO! Several of my besties are also getting married this year; so, lots of love is in the air!!! Plus, my intentions are to do everything with love aka with great interest and pleasure. Which ties into my motto for life: if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no!!!!!!!! 

Now, do you set New Year’s Resolutions? If so, what are they?

If your answer is yes, the first thing I want you to think about is – are your resolutions accomplishable? Are they attainable? And are you going to be continuing with these resolutions in December of 2022? And/or are you going to see the results of your resolutions by then?

If the answer was no to any of the above, try and reframe those “resolutions” as goals… 

Here’s why:

Resolution is a firm decision to do (or not do) something.

Goal is an objective of a person’s ambition or effort.

With that, when shifting your way of thinking from resolutions to goals, do your ideas for goals change? 

From my personal perspective, goals are much easier to obtain and accomplish. That’s why I like to make SMART goals. IMO (in my opinion), SMART goals are the best way to create a vision, plan, or idea without getting sidetracked or discouraged.

If you haven’t heard of the acronym SMART before it stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Timely.   

Specific: well defined, clear, and concise.

Measurable:  specifics that measure your progress toward accomplishing the goal

Achievable: attainable and not impossible to achieve

Realistic: within reach and relevant to your purpose

Timely: a clearly defined timeline – including start date and target date

For example, some ideas of SMART goals can include walking 30 minutes a day at least 4 days a week, eating fruits and veggies daily, connect with friends weekly, journal often about key events, or even wakeup early… to name a small few. 

When creating these goals, I like to think of the 4 following golden areas: CAREER, FINANCIAL, RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTH & WELLNESS

1.     CAREER: Where do I want to see myself in the next 6 months to a year? What do I have to do to accomplish this? What steps can I take to obtain that? 

2.     FINANCIAL: What realistic financial situation do I want to be in, in a year? What spending and/or saving habits do I have to create to accomplish this? What monthly actions am I going to take to obtain this?

3.     RELATIONSHIPS: What relationships do I want to focus the most on this year? Where do I want to see this relationship in a year? Am I going to do something weekly or monthly to enhance these relationships? Note: this relationship can be with yourself. This can also be a spiritual relationship. Relationships do not just have to be about friends & family.

4.      HEALTH & WELLNESS: Are their new eating habits I’d like to accomplish? Do I want to work out more often? Are there different exercises I’d like to try? Is there an area on my physique I’d like to tone? What do I have to do to accomplish those goals mentioned? 

The idea is to get super specific with your goals, and intentions – this helps not only to understand the final goal, but it also makes it easier for you to accomplish and stay true to your word.  

Okay, I know up to this point it’s been a lot to unpack and consider; however, once you have your SMART goals in mind – I want to encourage you to think of creating the following…

A VISION BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A vision board can be physical (i.e. on a cork board made out of magazine cut-outs) or it can be digital (i.e. using Canva or Pinterest).

Personally, I go for the digital vision board using a combination of Canva and Pinterest. I say combination because I create a board on Pinterest with ideas, inspiration, and create a variety of selection. Then, I use Canva to create a more concrete vision board to layout my goals/visions. Once that is created, I simply save it as my screen saver so that I don’t have any other option but to look at it every single day!!! 

When planning for your vision board, think of the following:

1.     Word of the Year

2.     The 4 Golden Areas

3.     Colours


5.     Aesthetic

6.     Travel

To name a few.

I simply copy and paste the images from Pinterest, google or my camera roll to create my ideal vision board for the year. 

Personally, looking back on my vision board for last year it is amazing to see all that has come into fruition!!! 

For example, I put a romantic picture of 2 lovers in a hot tub – thinking it would be us travelling, but it ended up being the purchase of a hot tub for us (so dreamy!)… I put a bottle of Rosé Veuve (boujee champagne) and I received a bottle as a gift for my birthday (OBSESSED!)… I also added inspiration for my 25th birthday and the plans turned out nearly identical to the inspo etc.!!! 

My 2021 Vision Board — as noted above.

With that in mind, what you put out into the world often comes back.

It’s so important to set goals both big & small to have achievable items to work towards. So, get specific. Be realistic. And, set yourself a timeline to achieve your goals. There’s no better time than now to get started!!! 

Sending you all so much love, prosper and happiness for 2022!!! I cannot wait to hear, see, and accomplish all the vision boards together!!! 

Please feel free to reach out in my DMs to chat about them!!! Drop a pink heart emoji in my comments (right here or on my insta post) if you would like to join a workshop this year to get inspired, create vision boards, and be surrounded by many other like-minded people!!! 

Talk with you beautiful souls soon!!! 


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Photo Cred: Ema Suvajac Photography

Our Love Story: The Proposal

As Luke Bryan says in our song, “This is a drop everything kind of thing!”

Truly it is; and, it has been ever since the day we “met” on December 27th, 2012… I say “met” because my fiancé (Eric) & I have crossed paths in a lot of fateful ways before we started dating… 

For starters: years prior he bought a dirt bike from my oldest brother… around that same time, he was my OTHER brother’s defense partner in hockey… AND, during high school (as well as, college for him), we worked at the same store… can you say, “everything happens for a reason?” Because I sure can!!! 

How it started:

Now, contrary to popular belief, we didn’t meet at the store (lol) – we met through some mutual friends of ours!

A few of my besties started dating guys in his friend group; SO! I guess you could say that I kind of third wheeled them for nights out.  

One night, December 27th, to be exact, my friends and I were out at an age of majority dance… being underage at the time, it was that much more fun (I was 16… whoops! Sorry mom… jk! She knew…) Anyways, Eric, who was 19 at the time, was there too! 

When doing as I do best… tearing up the d-floor that is… he caught my eye!

With a little bit of liquid courage, I said, “Come on Eric, come dance with me!” He then said, “I don’t know how to dance.” I replied with, “Come on, I’ll teach you!” HEHE (Sidenote: we are now typically the last 2 standing on the dance floor whenever we find one LOL.)

After that night, we then started talking… I even recall during a girl’s night a few days later my friends asked why I was smiling so much at my phone… HEHE so I told them about Eric!

On New Year’s Eve that year, Eric & I ended up at the same party – that’s when sparks really flew, if you will HEHE… it became more public, and we were what they called “a thing” :)

Shortly after NYE, we went on our first date. On that date, we went to the movies; it was that day, when I knew I was going to end up marrying this guy… I mean, it’s true, they say “you know when you know!”

For starters, the gentlemen that he is, he picked me up from my front door and said hello to both of my parents… they knew each other from hockey, but still, it made my heart flutter! 

Then, on our car ride, we got talking, asking questions, and just generally getting to know each other better… and, naturally, as someone who is very goal oriented, I asked him what his 5-10 year goals were… He answered with such specific detail & confidence… and it was that moment, that I deeply knew he was the one! I loved his ambition, hard-working ethic, and purpose… and I am SO proud of him for accomplishing every single goal he mentioned that day!

Of course, after a couple of months, we made it “official” on February 22nd, 2013.

How it went:

Flash forward, 8 years… it’s February 22nd, 2021.

My love had been working crazy hours since the beginning of the year, so we decided to spend our anniversary weekend at his family’s cottage on the peninsula. 

We both had that Monday off; so, we spent that morning sleeping in, ordering takeout breakfast – and just took it easy enjoying each other’s company. 

Our only plan for that day was to go for a hike.  

On the hike we were just being our goofy selves… watching our puppy leap through the snow, making jokes, and talking about everything under the sun – it was magical!

As we got closer to the main views on our hike, my breath was taken! The views were stunning, the weather was perfect and there was not another soul on the trail…

When we got to the main look-out point, I said, “WOW! BABE! This is stunning – we should take a picture!” He said, “Okay! Let’s do it on the Go-Pro.” 

Side note: we adventure a lot, and often bring the Go-Pro with us, so I didn’t think anything of it. Not to mention, it had been 8-years, so I was fully chill & content with the way things were for us.

Where the Go-Pro was originally set-up, it didn’t have much of a vibey view behind. So I said, “Hey babe, try over there! The view is way better!”… Meanwhile, my love already had the camera on so it captured the whole transition!

He then got the Go-Pro set-up in a tree that faced the gorgeous escarpment and views behind us.

As he was walking back to Harlow & I… me, still thinking it was a photo on timer, I said, “How much time do we have?”… He looks back at the camera, and back at me… as he’s pulling the ring box out of his jacket, he says, “It’s not a photo… Rave,  you make me the happiest man in the world…These have been the best 8 years of my life… and I want to spend the next 80 with you… Will you marry me?” Me, so shocked, at a loss of words, and repeatedly saying “BABE!” I then replied with, “Uh huh!… YES!!!” 

Eric then went on to say that the ring was a placeholder ring, because he had a guy lined up in Toronto that we would be working with to make my dream ring together!!!!!!

And so, over the next number of weeks we got to designing the ring… getting to pick the 3C’s (colour, cut, clarity), the metal, the details of the band, and then, we ended up getting to select the diamond itself!!! 

After looking at multiple, the diamond we ended up selecting, wildly enough came all the way from ISRAEL!!!!! Like how cool!?

Of course, since the ring wasn’t ready for several weeks after Eric proposed, so we took some time to enjoy the excitement just between the 2 of us… it was the sweetest, most magical time together!

We then slowly began telling close friends & family within a few weeks. It so special telling each person in their own intimate setting’s + getting to celebrate with everyone at separate times.

After weeks of waiting, the ring was ready for pick-up on Easter weekend.

It was so beautiful being able to make a day out of it – getting to enjoy the day road-tripping to Toronto, getting excited, reminiscing, and listening to our fave music… it was so special!

That being said, our jeweller was so INCREDIBLE! He kept us up-dated often, was a wealth of knowledge and made us feel extremely confident with making such a big decision. 

When we got into his office, he passed us the ring… again, I was shocked and at a loss of words… so in excitement, I said “HOLY SHIT! Is that it??? Is that thing even real!? I fricken love it!!!”… 

From the time we left his office, to the time we got home, all I wanted to do was stare at this gorgeous ring on my hand… I mean, all I still want to do is stare at it! LOL Eric did SO good – everything about it was such a dream come true!!!

On our way home, we stopped at a park outside of the city for a picnic… we popped some champagne… I squealed A. LOT., LOL like a lot a lot (ask Eric hehe)… and this grin on my face, yeah that hasn’t been wiped off since February 22nd, 2021… well basically since I met Eric near 9 years ago!!! :))))))))

Let me just tell you, this man is so perfectly sweet, kind, and thoughtful!!! He’s always going above & beyond for me, our poochy, and EVERYONE around him! I just love him SO much!!! 

How it’s going:

Wedding planning has been in full swing over here these days.

We have our date, venue, and almost, if not all, of our vendors selected & contacted.

The Type-A organizer in me has been loving all of it!!! (Not to mention, previously owning an event consulting business, has absolutely come in clutch during the brainstorming, planning, and for knowing what to expect!) 

But, I will spare all those details until after our wedding!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh! I cannot wait to marry my dreamy man in 9 months!!!

For now, enjoy some sneaks from our engagement photos! We are beyond obsessed with all of them & we absolutely adore our wedding photographer!!! She’s insanely talented!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave


Welcome Back: A Summer Recap

Welcome back you beautiful souls!

Woo! It’s been a minute…

This summer has been, well, let’s just say, one for the books!!!

I’m so glad I listened to my intuition; to take the summer months off from blogging to “slow down”, fully live & to be present in every moment possible.

 A lot has happened over these last few months so let’s recap on some of the highlights:

-        We bought a toyhauler
-        We camped a lot
-        AH! I found my dream wedding dress
-        Our besties threw us the most epic engagement party
-        & so much more in between.

Let’s briefly touch on the above!

1.     We bought a toy hauler

I’m sure if you’re not into camping, or maybe you’re just totally confused right now wondering what the heck is a toy hauler?? Well, a toy hauler is an RV/camping trailer that essentially has a “garage” in it which is accessed with a large ramp-door in the rear. 

For us, our beautiful 24ft toy hauler is a modern, sleek and perfect home away from home for my love, my dog and I; and as big motorized sports lovers, we’ve had SO much fun loading either the SXS (side-by-side) or Harley up and adventuring around with it.

2.     We camped a lot

With the above in mind, this summer, we managed to sneak away and escape our hectic work schedules for some much needed R&R!

Although our trailer took 5 months to come in (from the time we ordered it in March)… we totally made the most out of it and got a lot of adventures in. 

Some of the places we visited:

We loaded up the Harley and headed down-south to Turkey Point (near Port Dover) for a week. We did a whole bunch of day-trips on the bike aka the Harley; including my highlight being a ride to Port Dover (a town known for motorcycle meets on Friday the 13th).  It was such a dreamy area to visit; between the beach towns, the vibey restaurants and all of the wineries – I can see that area being a place we make an annual visit too.

A week after that, we loaded up the SXS and headed up-north to Parry Sound for a week. They have a whole bunch of gorgeous scenic trails for the quads – the trails were so beautiful. Although aside from the ATVing, and the day-trips into Parry Sound, one of my favourite parts from that trip was: spending A LOT of time disconnected from the socials and just relaxing + connecting with my loves! 

Aside from our extended camping trips, we’ve spent a few days camping near Lions Head, Sauble Beach and we’ve even spent a few nights camping out in the backyard’s of friend’s and family. 

Our camping season isn’t quite over; however, I am already eagerly waiting the moment for when my loves and I can hit the open road next year!

3.     AH! I found my dream wedding dress!!!

This was obvi a major highlight of my summer!!! 

Of course, the wedding planning has been in full-swing for us this summer – with booking most of our vendors and nailing down the details… One of my favourite moments of the summer was the moment I found my dream dress!

My mom, my sister (aka my MOH), and I went out dress shopping exactly 1-year to-the-date from Our Wedding Day… I only had one boutique booked for that day – The Modern Bride. A lot of my close friends had found their dream dresses their already, and I was just SO confident in their online selection that I knew they had something in their dress loft that was going to tickle my fancy! HEHE 

Y’all, first of all, I fell in love with the boutique immediately – it gives me major high-fashion, high-profile, New York vibes… need I say more… I felt like I was living in a movie for a day!

Okay, onto the dress – we went up to the dress loft. I showed the consultant my inspiration. We picked some dresses. I then fell in love with the 1st dress I tried on – it was everything I had described and anticipated to find. BUT THEN! Then came the 4th dress… I was bawling my eyes out before I could even show my mom & sister.  When I stepped into the room, their expressions said it all! That being said, nothing else compared to it after that point. 

You know what they say… when you know, you just know ;) & sure enough, at the one and only store, after only 45 minutes, I had said YES to the dress!!!!!!! 

EEK!!! I cannot wait to wear it in just 9 and a half months!!!!!!!!!!!

4.     Our besties threw us the most epic engagement party

That whole weekend was actually a dream!!!

I picked my wedding dress on the Thursday. Then the Friday our amazing close friends & family threw us the engagement party of our dreams! 

Of course getting engaged during a global pandemic affected our celebrations after announcing the exciting news to everyone; but we are so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful & thoughtful souls ever for throwing us such an unforgettable night months later. 

The theme was a backyard BBQ – and, as shared on my feed, it was filled with: lots of champagne, a Caesar bar, a margarita station, a custom cake, a gorgeous balloon arch, customized cups, bowls, signs… you name it… every detail was absolutely nailed by our fabulous people!!! 

We cannot wait to do it all over again with our faves next July in celebration of our love & marriage!!!!!!!! Woo!!!

5.     & so much more (in-point form!)

-        my sweet nephews both had birthday’s – they are now 5 & 2… like HOW????????? Auntie’s heart could burst!
-        2 of our besties got married; from an epicly unforgettable bachelorette for my girl Channy G, to a super fun stag & doe for her & Gally, all the way up to their gorgeous & dreamy wedding – it was so much fun planning, decorating & celebrating the beautiful Galloway’s
-        lots of date nights, girls nights, family time, beach days, long walks with my pooch, and beyond!

Moral of the story… post… idk (lol), is that this summer was amazing in so many regards!

I loved living my best life while slowing down & being more present with everyone around me.

I am so happy to be back & I cannot wait to share more helpful tips, tricks & fun information with you all in the coming posts!!!

With that, I hope you are all able to slow down this Thanksgiving weekend to relax, celebrate and enjoy all of the beautiful people that surround you!!! 

With so much love,

That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Hair Routine: Hair-Care & Holy Grails

Wee! First and foremost, I’m beyond, like BEYOND grateful & so incredibly impacted by the outpouring of love & beautiful messages I’ve received from my last 2 blog posts. They were major – from opening-up, to getting deep – I poured my heart & soul into words to describe my experiences! With that, THANK YOU so so so much for reading, engaging and sharing your support. It means the world to me! 

As I begin to share more and more of my heart & soul aka my passions with y’all, you will begin to learn more about how those experiences have come full circle for me.

Okay okay okay, anyways, now that you have all of the juice on me… I’m going to spill the tea on all of the tips & tricks that I have discovered for my hair.  

First, if you’re wondering why I’m saying thank-you, or where my deep passion for my hair came from… or even if you’re just simply wanting to learn more… check out my last blog post ( for the pivotal story that shaped me & my hair care routine for the better!

Everything happens for a reason, amiright????? (… which is just one of my all-time fave quotes!) 

With that, and as quoted in My Hair Loss Journey blog post, “[Losing my hair] taught me to be more grateful for what I DO have. It has taught me to view each day as a precious gift. It has taught me to lead in peace, love & kindness. It has taught me to embrace the rough waters and to celebrate & enjoy the calm. It has taught me that you can’t judge a book by its cover for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. It has ultimately taught me that it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

Truly, losing my hair has taught me so many beautiful lessons – another lesson was majorly how to care for my hair! 

Now let me just tell ya -- I’ve always had pretty thick, and relatively curly/wavy hair; but whew it grew back darker. thicker. AND curlier than it had ever been… MIND BLOWING, I KNOW! (a blessing in disguise perhaps???)

With that being said, I absolutely think that a large part of the overall health & success of my hair regrowth is in how I care for it, and my holy grail products. 

So, here it is:

How I care for it?

1.     Hair Washing Schedule 
About once every 4-6 days (depending on climate, exercise, and plans…lol) I wash my hair. Now, let’s get the record straight, I have “body showers” daily! (lol that would not be cute if I went 4-6 days without)… but like a “real shower”, y’know the long minute AF type where you go through the whole routine (head to toe… need I get into detail there IYKYK haha) happens once, or twice a week. 

Here’s why: the natural hair oils we produce are SO good for the scalp; by washing the hair less this allows those oils to penetrate deeper into the hair follicle, which allows the hair to strengthen & growth! & VOILA longer + stronger hair in the long run!

2.     Brushing Techniques 
Not only does the hairbrush matter (I personally use WetBrushes), but so does the technique. 

First, I’ve found that is starts with after washing the hair. I try my best not to brush my hair right out of the shower. I’ve learned that it’s best to not brush the hair when it’s drenched, but rather let it air dry a bit beforehand; when wet, the hair follicles are soft and applying hard pressure can cause breakage and increase fall-out.

Then, damp, or dry, I begin brushing from the middle of the hair to the tip, and then from the root to the middle, and then middle to tip again. After this, you should easily be able to brush from root to tip with less breakage or fall-out. 

3.     Regular Haircuts 
I feel like this one is a given for a good hair-care routine. I love to freshen up the locks every 3-6 months with a good trim. Getting regular trims is not only great for the health of the hair, but also for stimulating hair growth – which is so key for promoting healthy, luscious locks! 

4.     Less Heat
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to style my hair. I just try styling less… like maybe once a week, if that. What I love to do is to add hair oils to styled hair too tame the mane, instead of restyling. 

ALSO, rocking the au natural curls from time to time helps with the less heat situation too!!!

5.     Varying Hairstyles 
To go with the above, I love changing things up with fun hairstyles; whether it’s a bun, low pony, high pony, or even braids – it’s great for giving the hair a “break”. However, the key to this, is to not make the hairstyle too tight. This can easily cause breakage also.

If you are someone who likes undos, here’s another good pointer: move the location around to reduce the likelihood of balding or hair loss in that particular area. This is also fun for trying out new styles!

Now, for my holy grail products:

1.     Collagen 
This product has been a game changer!!!

Every day I put a scoop of powdered collagen into my coffee; although, I don’t have a particular collagen brand that I adore (I simply get it from a local natural food store) – I just personally find collagen so magical. I’ve noticed that it adds thickness, length, and has even promoted some regrowth in those stubborn, hard to treat, areas aka the hairline! 

I’ve tried collagen capsules before, but I just don’t mind they’re as effective. IMO: powdered or liquid is best for quicker absorption and results!

2.     Shampoo & Conditioner
I’ve talked about my shampoo & conditioner plenty on the ‘gram… well because I am obsessed… 

For Shampoo, I love using the scalp scrub shampoo by Briogeo. I find it helps remove product build up while massaging, repairing & revitalizing the scalp. Major bonus: it not only feels amazing, but it smells delightful too! 

Then, at least once a week, I follow the scalp scrub with my fave deep conditioner by, big shocker, Briogeo. I have found that these products are a major reason for having shiny, smooth & healthy hair!

I also love to alternate a couple times a month with the Olaplex line — it’s also really great!

3.     Briogeo Farewell Frizz Line
After I shampoo and conditioner, I always use the rosarco milk leave-in conditioning spray and blow dry perfection & heat protectant crème by Briogeo (obvi); even if I’m not blow-drying my hair. These 2 products add protection, shine & leave the hair feeling smooth. 

4.     Hair Oils 
I love a good hair oil! I even have a bottle beside my skincare – that way every day after I finish my skincare, I can throw a few drops into my hair.  

I find that oils really brightens my hair up when it’s starts looking dull a few days before washing day. I love it to bring back moisture and shine.

My fave right now is: Gisou’s Honey Infused Oil. I’ve also used Briogeo’s Strengthening Oil & Olaplex’s No.7 Bonding Oil; which I will sometimes mix in because I loooove. 

5.     Dyson Blow Dryer
Although, I try to limit the heat on my hair – I find I can blow-dry my hair guilt-free with the Dyson Blow Dryer.

I love that the technology behind it protects my hair, and leaves it looking luscious and smooth; rather than damaged & frizzy. I would definitiely say this is my holy grail product of holy grail products!!!

& there you have it – my hair-care routine and holy grail products!!! 

As always, I love researching, learning and testing out new products. With that, I can’t wait to share more as I continue to educate myself & test more products out! 

Sending you peace & love until next time!


That’s So Corbeau
aka Rave

Hair Loss Journey: My Story

“Invest in your hair, it’s the crown you never take off.” 


I’m bringing to you another real & raw topic this week. 

The topic is something I used to take for granted. It is something that has taught me some very valuable lessons in life. That something is my hair. 

My hair was always what I thought to be full of health & life. 

Well, that was until things really started to change in March of 2017.

In March of 2017, I was in my final year and final semester of college… if you’ve read my last blog post on my colitis journey, I’m sure you’ll see a trend… something about the final years of schooling gets to this gal’s mind, body & soul – and in some kind of groovy way!!! 

Looking back, it totally had something to do with needing to figure my shit out… like ASAP… in those final semesters… talk about stressful! (High School was figuring out what career I wanted to get into (the start of my Ulcerative Colitis), and College was figuring out where the F I wanted to take my chosen career (experiencing another flare + hair loss).)

With that, my hair loss journey really began on my birthday in 2017. That’s when I first started to notice that something was really different about my hair.

As tradition has it, my sister and I were getting ready to go out for dinner & drinks to celebrate. 

While I was curling my hair, my sister made a comment about how much hair was on the floor… I didn’t really think much about it because over the years prior my hair’s shedding cycle was super visible around that time of the year too. 

Truthfully, what I didn’t really realize was, much like skin, hair has shedding cycles too. During my hair’s shedding cycles, it would thin out… only not usually super visible, it was mostly visible in my hairbrush and on the bathroom floor…

Coincidentally enough, one of my friends once said, “You could make a wig from all of your hair on the floor!” Kind of gross, but I totally should-have! (…I will get to that.) 

Anyways, a few weekends later I went home to celebrate my birthday with the rest of my family.

At this point, I was really starting to see some drastic changes with my hair. Instead of reaching out & opening up to my family… I just covered it up with a ball-cap that whole weekend… that way, no one would have even noticed. 

However, after my love made a gentle comment about the amount of hair that was laying on the pillow when I woke up, I mentioned that I was noticing some signs of hair loss. But I still didn’t really think much of it.

Until that following weekend. 

That following weekend, I was at a conference for my job. (Sidenote: as a full-time college student, I worked part-time for the college.) During the conference that weekend, they had put us up in hotel rooms. 

Back in the room after the first day, I was brushing my hair and noticed just how much breakage was occurring. 

I immediately grabbed my phone and took photos of the crown of my head… at first glance of the photos, I was devastated. I was devastated to know that all of the comments, noticeable thinning & piles of hair was actually leading to something. 

I had balding spots. This sight immediately brought me to tears. 

Photos taken the back at the hotel room.

Photos taken the back at the hotel room.

I texted my love to let him know that my skeptics were right, and I was in fact losing my hair... I then texted my mom & my sister to actually open-up and tell them what had been happening. 

My love called me to console me through this heartbreaking realization. 

My mom comforted me and questioned if that was why I had been wearing ball-caps the whole weekend prior. She also reassured me that it was only hair, and that it would grow back.

Then, my sister and I cried together & talked until I was ready to fall asleep…

At this point, I was still very much in denial. I knew I had not been feeling my best with colitis, and that I was stressed out with finishing school, but I didn’t realize the full effects of this on my body at this point.

Fast forward to that following weekend. I was getting ready to go out on a double date with another couple. My bestie and I had been getting ready in the bathroom together… I felt so self-conscious that I had to open-up to her about why I had been spraying so much dry shampoo into my hair. 

Then, that following morning her man asked if I was okay after seeing all of the hair built up on my pillow… at this point, it was starting to be more and more noticeable. People were really starting to notice something was up…

I tried to hide it by often wearing low ponytails, a ball-cap, or, even as mentioned, spraying in dry shampoo that was the colour of my hair to hide all of the balding.

Truthfully, at that point I was just thinking that perhaps it was just my shampoo drying my scalp and causing the breakage; so, I went to a natural health-food store and picked up some natural haircare, tried all of the natural home remedies for hair loss and stopped brushing my hair frequently. 

A weekend or 2 later, it had been Easter, and I had gone home to my parents for the weekend. 

Well, there was a big elephant in the room about my hair-loss. Everyone knew and could visible see that I had been going through some changes, but no one wanted to bring it up. 

I remember being in the bathroom getting ready one of the days. I was trying to stay positive thinking to myself about how it had happened before (of course not to this extent but hair-breakage in general), and that it would grow back – as it always had!

Again, I was still very-much in denial at this point. I was aware it was happening, but I didn’t want to believe it.  

Until my mom came in while I was putting my hair into a bun. She could see that I was getting so frustrated by how I couldn’t get my hair to look right... 

I remember my mom saying, “Sweetie, I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but have you thought about getting a wig?” 

That’s when it hit!  

Around the time I knew my hair-loss was getting worse.

Around the time I knew my hair-loss was getting worse.

I remember responding with tears rolling down my cheek saying, “Yes, I have thought about it, but I just didn’t think it was that bad… Do you think people are noticing? Ugh! Where do I get a wig?” 

And so the search began. 

At this point, I had numerous bald spots, and VERY thinned out hair. 

I opened up to a lot of my close friends at this point. It was weighing so heavily on me. A lot of tears were shed, along with a lot of light about how it has to get worse before it got better.

It then came time for finals.

I had teachers asking that I take my ball-cap off to write my exams… So, in much discomfort, I’d take my ball-caps off, put my head down and I’d write. I’d then immediately put my hat on before I’d get up to submit my exam.   

Thankfully, after weeks of searching, driving around the GTA for numerous fitting appointments, along with even more thinning, I had a hair piece ordered. 

Crazy enough, my wig had arrived the week I moved home from college… just 2 days before my love & I took off overseas to visit his brother studying abroad, and as a celebration from my love for finishing college. I was SO thankful that it had arrived on time, even though it was a close one!


Truthfully, wearing the wig really made me feel like myself again! 

I was so happy to not have to “hide” anymore! 

Although I didn’t open-up about wearing a wig – it felt great to have “hair” again.

And to be totally honest, in those months of wearing a wig, I really went through some highs and lows.

Between finishing college, packing to move back home, job searching, a colitis flare-up, that lead to a long stay in the hospital days after returning home from overseas… THEN hair loss on top of that – it was a wild ride!

To be totally honest y’all, going through such a low season taught me a freaking lot. 

It taught me to be more grateful for what I DO have. It taught me to view each day as a precious gift. It taught me to lead in peace, love & kindness. It taught me to embrace the rough waters and to celebrate & enjoy the calm. It taught me that you can’t judge a book by its cover for everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. It ultimately taught me that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. 

I am so grateful that after about 6 months of wearing the wig, my hair had started to grow back!!!!!!

It had grown darker, thicker and curlier than it had ever been in my entire life!!!

I decided to EMBRACE the pixie cut that I had growing under my hair piece and to put the wig into storage. 

I was ready to stop hiding. I was ready to show up as my truest self EVERY. SINLGE. DAY!

Looking back, those were the days of some MAJOR growth in my life! My hair-loss & colitis journeys are some major situations that have shaped me for the better. I look at life so differently now. I like to think that I look at each situation as an opportunity to be grateful, to learn & grow! 

It has been 4 years of playing with some super fun hairstyles! I’ve been fortunate enough to have rocked basically every hairstyle you can think of: pixie cut, a-symmetrical cut, bob cut, lob cut, etc. If it hadn’t of been for losing my hair, I would have never gotten to experience all of those groovy hairstyles in my lifetime. 


I have learned how to treat my hair with care. I’ve discovered many new products, tools & techniques for styling my hair. I’ve learned to invest & to love my hair for the lusciously wild, story-telling mane that it is! 

What’s also so beautiful about my hair-loss journey is that months after I decided to stop wearing my wig, my mom surprised me by cutting her hair short. She made it a lot easier on me to embrace that season.

As in many different seasons of my life, I am so grateful for all of the love, acceptance & grace that I have received from my surrounding circle!!!!!!!! 

As I conclude, I hope this is a reminder to embrace the many waves of life. It’s not always going to be easy; but just remember that when the calm waters turn rough, we are always given the choice to find the lessons and learn from them.

I hope you always choose love over hate. I hope you always choose to see the best in everyone & everything. And above all, I hope you always choose to be yourself!  


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Living with Ulcerative Colitis: My Story

Disclaimer: there will be some major raw, unfiltered, realness on the topic of bowl movements aka poop. And, you will also quickly notice that I like to occasionally make light of it. 

Okay, first of all y’all, let’s get the elephant out of the room… SHIT HAPPENS!!!!!!!

I feel like that saying is the anthem of my life. LOL 

If something isn’t quite going my way or something negative happens, I catch myself saying things like… “Ah heck, shit happens! Party on!” 

But really, whether you’ve got “pooping problems,” or not, it’s a naturally inevitable thing. 

For me, those “pooping problems,” became a REAL shitty situation in the year of 2014.

Okay, before we get to those details, let’s back track to September of 2013…

September of 2013 was the beginning of my final year in high school. As I am sure you can either imagine or even recall, that’s sort of a big deal to most! It’s also a VERY stressful time to many. 

What I didn’t realize at the time was that stress really gets to this chickita! (Amongst many other things, but I will get to that!)

Anyways, within 2 weeks of my final year of high school, I was at my doctor’s office experiencing major stomach pains, constant fatigue and even had experienced the occasional sight of blood in my stools… then, after some examinations, my doctor said, “You have allergies. Stay away from gluten & dairy!” I thought to myself, “Okay! That seems easy enough… Rachie [my sister] has Celiac, and mom has been lactose intolerant for as long as I can remember.” 

Initially, I felt fabulous; however, after about 6 months, I was back to having MANY more frequent bowel movements, constant fatigue, and I was starting to see more and more blood in my stools… only now, I was starting to not be able to make it to the washroom in time. I would have what my sister and I refer to as “shit-cidents.” 

PSA: a “shit-cident”, is a shitting accident. LOL

At this point, it was the time period between March-break, and Easter weekend. 

I was at the point of being unable to attend a full day at school. I was either too tired to focus. Or, my stomach problems had me running to the washroom every (what felt like) 10 seconds… try explaining that one to your teachers and classmates… embarrassing!

During this time, I was unable to work. I was slowly becoming extremely weak and fragile; however, with not being able to work, my parents helped me out quite a bit. To pay them back for helping me out, plus to keep me busy, and accountable, my mom asked me to clean the house on Saturday’s. She had asked that I treat it like a real job with a start time in the morning. It was great – I enjoyed cleaning, and I was happy that I found a way to “pay them back.”

One Saturday, I woke up and texted my mom (who was already at work), and said, “Mom! I’m so sorry! I can’t clean the house today. I am really not feeling good.” She responded with, “Okay baby. Take today off, and rest. We will figure something else out.” 

I spent that whole Saturday and Sunday between the couch and the washroom. 

Then, Monday morning came around. My mom was in the washroom getting ready for work, and my dad was in the kitchen making coffee. I had run through the house from my bedroom yelling, “I MIGHT HAVE AN ACCIDENT. I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!” 

I got to the bathroom. Ran past my mom. Making it onto the toilet in time! Phew! 

Well not quite “phew”… I was in some MAJOR pain! 

As I sat there keeled over sitting on the toilet, my mom politely walked out of the washroom to give me some privacy. 

I could hear rumblings of my parents talking outside of the bathroom. My mom saying, “THAT’S IT! I am calling Emerg! We are getting her in to see a doctor today!” 

As my mom was on the phone with the hospital, I was still in the bathroom keeled over crying saying, “No mom! I’m fine!” as she was on the phone with the hospital. 

I then hear my mom on the phone saying, “Good morning, what is your wait time this morning? … my daughter was up every 30 minutes last night passing blood in her stools, and she is too weak to sit in a waiting room.” 

She hung up the phone, and said, “They will see you in an hour. Your dad is going to take you.” 

An hour went by, and off my dad and I went. As we got to the reception area, we were greeted by a nurse who said, “Yes, hello Raven? We have been waiting for you. The doctor will see you right in here,” as she opened the door to a large room.

The doctor came in minutes later. He lightened the mood by saying, “Is this your personal nurse?” to my dad, and that title has stuck ever since. 

Anyways, as the doctor examined my belly by applying firm pressure to my lower abdomen, alligator tears began to drip down my cheeks as I wept from the pain. He said, “Based on your level of pain and by those tears, it seems to me like you may have Crohn’s or Colitis. We are going to get some blood drawn, and get you booked in London for a scope.” 

Shortly after that examination I received bloodwork. Then, “my nurse” drove me home. 

That afternoon, we received a call from the hospital asking that I come in the following morning for some more bloodwork. 

Tuesday, “my nurse” took me in for some more extensive bloodwork. 

Wednesday, I didn’t have any examinations scheduled, so I rested at home… the best I could anyways. With “my nurse” on stand-by to assist me to the washroom, and to ensure I was comfortable and well-fed… as he had been doing all week. 

We received a call that morning from the doctor saying that they had scheduled me in for a colonoscopy aka a scope in London for the following Tuesday. 

Then, early Thursday morning I received a call from the doctor requesting that I come in that afternoon… They went on to mention that my bloodwork came back significantly abnormal, and I was in need of a blood transfusion ASAP.

Since my dad/ “my nurse” had already taken quite some time away from work that week to care for me, my mom joined me during the transfusion. 

We sat there in the hospital for 4 hours crying big allegator tears together, reminiscing, and just really trying to stay as positive as possible, while I received liters of blood.

That weekend was Easter. I had Friday & Monday off of school, so I rested a lot, and I even got to spend some time with family. 

Monday was prep day for the colonoscopy. I tossed back the golyte like I was pre-gaming for a night out… shot after shot… Let me just say DISGUSTING!!! 

Tuesday, April 22nd rolled around. I was feeling good! Hungry, but good. My stomach was empty from the prep the day before, but I was ready to get some answers!

I threw on one of my favourite t-shirts. My mom braided my hair. And away the 3 of us went on the 2.5hr trek to London. During the drive, all I could think about was FOOD!!! 

We made it to the hospital with time to spare. 

As I went into the waiting room, I was greeted by a nurse who took me to a hospital bed. 

I got comfortable in the glamorous hospital gown (lol), as I waited for my procedure. 

As I was waiting, I could hear this darling couple beside me. The wife had just gotten out of her procedure. The sweet little lady let’s out a little toot, followed by the LOUDEST fart. She then says to her husband, “Oh! Excuse me… They warned me that I’d be gassy, but they didn’t warn me it’d me like this.”

I remember covering my mouth because I could not contain my laughter… Needless to say, it was just the humour I needed that day. 

Within about 30 minutes, they rolled me into the procedure room. As I was about to go under, I heard the doctor say, “Oh! This is that emergency scope!”

Thankfully everything went well for the procedure. 

When I woke up, I felt great! I just couldn’t wait to eat some honey garlic chicken wings!!! 

Shortly after, my parents joined me in the post-op room. 

We were greeted by the Gastroenterologist (GI doctor) moments later, and he assured us that the colonoscopy went well. He then followed up by saying that they did see active Ulcerative Colitis in the lower left side of my colon.

At this point, I was relieved. Of course, up to this point, all I could do was to hope for the best but expect the worst. 

When receiving the news, my parents and I all wiped tears from our eyes. Then, my mom squeezed my hand and said, “Colitis Sisters!” before they transferred me to a wheelchair and “my nurse” wheeled me out to the truck.

The path forward was to stay on the medication I had been prescribed, and to follow up in a few months. 

The silver lining in all of this (I guess you could say), is that at this point my mom had also battled with Ulcerative Colitis for 18 years. She was, and has always been, such an advocate on my health journey.  

What is Ulcerative Colitis? 

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that affects the large intestine. It is a Chronic Illness that causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in the gut lining. 

PSA: It is NOT the same as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). IBS is a syndrome that does not cause inflammation, rarely requires hospitalization or surgery, and is not seen during examination of the colon, whereas IBD’s are seen during diagnostic imaging. 

UC is also an invisible disease, but for most, internally it can feel like a raging war. 

For me Colitis has been: many flare-ups, to countless iron infusions, to trials with medication, to hair loss, to my first extended hospital visit in August of 2016; which lead to doctors advising that I not attend my final year of college, to then going against the odds and graduating with honours. To another extended hospitalization weeks after finishing college in May of 2017. Only this time being rushed to London after being told that I was lucky to still be alive. 

Truthfully, I have road the waves with this disease.

After that last extended hospital visit in London, my world was shaken, and completely changed. 

I was DONE! 

I was done relying on medication, support of family, nurses & doctors to accomplish simple daily functions like showering, eating, and sorry for being vulgar, but whipping my own damn ass!!! 

Enough was enough.

I was done being “sick.” 

I took my life into my own hands and made some major shifts & changes!

I changed my diet. I started regularly exercising. I began to seek out holistic support like acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, and natural supplements. Best of all, I learned how to see the good in almost every situation… I look at life so differently now. I see every day as such a blessing.  

Although Colitis is a non-curable disease, remission IS possible!!! 

About a month ago, I received news from my GI doctor that I am in remission!!!

Yes, I still receive a 3hr IV treatment every 8 weeks for maintenance, and yes, I still have Ulcerative Colitis, but I no longer have any active disease in my body!!!!!!! 

It has taken a lot of trial & tribulations to get to this point in my journey! 

This road to recovery has taught me so many valuable lessons about strength, gratitude, and positivity. I have learned how to swerve, adapt, appreciate & embrace the ride!

Best of all, I’ve learned so much more about loving my people! Love truly knows no boundaries. 

With all of that, cheers to not allowing diseases, diagnosis or negativity define us; but rather choosing to embrace the journey, find the positivity and always remembering that life is such a beautiful gift!!!!!!! 


 That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

 Ps. SHIT HAPPENS Y’ALL! Learn to embrace it.


A Global Pandemic: Finding the Positive

Hi my loves!

First and foremost, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the continued love & support on my blog posts!!! Creating a space/site/network to educate, inspire, & inform so many beautiful souls has truly been a dream come true for me!!!

With that being said, here’s your reminder that you are a wise, wonderful & capable soul worthy of all of the abundance, goodness and positivity that this world has to offer you!!!

Of course, things are a little strange right now out in the real world. And to be quite frank, I had other plans of what to release in this week’s blog post.  

However, after reading some things & hearing the beautifully powerful voices amongst this fabulous community, I thought now, more than ever, you beauties need some light shed, hearts warmed, and some victories, goals & accomplishments to work towards!!!  

Tbh, when FINALLY publishing my blog earlier this year, during a global pandemic, some of my goals and intentions shifted. Due to the circumstances of the world, one major one, was to use this platform as a place for you all to come, enjoy a light (hopefully uplifting!) read and to forget about all that is happening out in the world right now. I wasn’t planning to use this space as a place to talk about the global pandemic – in fact, my intentions were to fray from that kind of negativity; BUT! it’s become more and more evident that perhaps it’s a subject that needs to be talked about… only in a positive light!  

So, what do you think!? Have you thought about taking this time to work on you?? To become the person whom you aspire to be?? Or to focus oodles of time and energy on the things that you love the most?? 

Well, here’s the thing, that’s what I am here to encourage you to do!!!

I want to encourage you all to really focus on yourself during this time!

Find a positive outlet.

Find some inspiration.

Find that something that you love and do it often.

Find yourself and work on you! 

I recently read a quote by Sylvester McNutt that really hit me, and it said, “Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion and respect towards your own journey”

It really hit me!  

I think it hit me most because as we are all navigating through this time of uncertainty, we can choose to do 1 of 2 things. We can either choose to wallow in a puddle of self pitty, OR! we can choose to pick up our feet. See this time as a positive. Or, as a “slow season” to think on new opportunities and/or areas of self-improvement & growth.  

Now, with that being said, I want you to think for a minute! Do you have a positive outlet? Is there something in your life that you love doing? Is it something that you could make a habit of doing every single day? What brings you the most joy? What activities do you do to fill your cup up? 

For example, in no particular order, my positive outlets include:

1.     Spending Quality Time w/ my love 

2.     Working Out

3.     Taking a bath

4.     Long walks w/ my doggo in nature

5.     Scrolling Pinterest

6.     Calling my mom or sister

7.     Texting my besties

8.     Writing in my Gratitude Journal

9.     Watching feel good shows on Netflix or YouTube

10.  Listening to my fave music 

Also, something else that I have been doing recently is turning my phone off, or putting it in another room out of sight for a few hours. It has been SO therapeutic!!! I often catch myself mindlessly scrolling. Although it can be okay when consuming positive content, it’s also just as okay to take a break too. The messages and content will still be there when you return. 

Ultimately, my biggest takeaway for you all is to start by writing down these 3 things:

1.     What are your 3-5 main goals? (Think anywhere from 1-10 years.)

2.     Who do you want to become?

3.     What actions do you need to take to make the above mentioned accomplishable?

When thinking of the above, start thinking of things that you can do every day to start working towards turning those goals & accomplishments into victories.

Also, think of outlets that you can turn to when you feel a creative blockage, need a break or simply to fill your cup back up!  

Remember, take a deep breathe – you are a fabulous creation & you are capable of doing amazing things!!! 

I hope you all can find some light, positivity and inspiration during this season we are in!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Ps. If you are looking for some tips & tricks on Self-Care refer to my past blog post for some inspo!!! 


Easter: Outfit Inspo

How is it already almost Easter!? Gah! I feel like Christmas just happened!

Although I’m super happy it’s almost Easter because that means it’s spring, which means it’s almost summer! So, bring on alllll of the warmth, pretty flowers & luscious landscapes! 

I just love that the fashion industry ramps up for spring — all of the most gorgeous pastels, vibrant pinks, yellows & blues, and of course, the most darling, delicate dresses & skirts! 

Although I don’t typically opt for the dresses & skirts around this time as much anymore. I do remember going shopping for my Easter outfit as a kid. It was the best! I’d wear the pastel, or floral dress or skirt for the first time to Easter Mass, and then typically wear it every other day after that until it didn’t fit me anymore! LOL 

Now, I typically dress for the weather! Haha

This year I’m going for a vibey colourful oversized knit sweater w/ a pair of leather leggings! (scroll below to see!) 

When shooting this content, I had the best time with one of my main gal pals! A. She absolutely crushed capturing these looks — it took no time flat to capture each look — she’s so incredible for assisting & supporting me. B. We played a fun little game of taking a shot every time we went back to her house to change into a new outfit! Note: this could be why my smile gradually got bigger and bigger with every outfit change! LOL it was so fun!!!

With that, here’s 5 Easter Outfits that I’ve put together that target all different tastes in style.

1.    My Easter Outfit: A Slouchy Sweater w/ Leather Leggings

I’m going to start with the Easter Outfit that I’ve planned for myself. 

I recently got in this gorgeous pink Free People Ottoman Slouchy Tunic, and I’ve paired it with my Vegan Leather leggings from Aritzia.

You can create the look too by pairing an oversized knit w/ a pair of leggings whether leather or not – it will be the comfiest! Another cute option would be to pair some ripped denim with this look!!!


2.    Edgy Mixed with Classy: A Bodycon Dress or Skirt w/ a Graphic Tee

I can already tell this look is going to be on repeat this spring/summer for me!

I love a good graphic tee but pairing it with a bodycon has taken it to the next level. It doesn’t have to be a graphic tee even; it could simply be a plain oversized tee to add dimension to the skirt or dress! Another option for the cooler temps is to pair a cropped knit with this look. Throw on a pair of booties and call it a day!


3.    Dressed-up Casual: Ruffle Top w/ Structured Denim

This is always a go-to of mine – from date night, to family dinners and especially on holidays. 

It doesn’t necessarily have to be ruffled (although so darling), it can simply be a blouse, or a structured top that you pair with some structured denim. By structured, I mean without rips and ones that fit in all of the right areas – if you know what I’m saying! Hehe. I’ve paired this with some booties to complete the look. 


4.    Basic Beauty Go-To: A Classic White Tee, Denim Jacket w/ Black Denim

I feel like this is a look that most of us lean towards often – it’s a classic! 

I mean, come on – black and white just go hand in hand, and the denim jacket elevates this look! I love a pair of classic ripped denim with this look to add dimension! These are all of the closet basics put together and it’s gooooood! This can be paired with some mules, booties OR even some cute sneakers! 


5.    Comfy-Casual: Oversized Hoodie, Shacket /w Distressed Denim

Y’all trade in those sweats, and slap on some distressed denim for this one. 

I grabbed one of my love’s plain black hoodies, layered with my fave pink shacket (to make it girly of course hehe), and threw on a pair of black distressed denim. You can also skip the shacket on this look, and just rock a basic black-on-black look; or a comfy-casual classic hoodie look! For this one, I’ve paired it with some leveled-up sneakers, but some mules would also be the cutest!!!


These are 5 outfits that are all top contenders for my Easter-weekend looks. Like I mentioned above, I don’t typically go for the traditional pastel Easter dresses anymore, but that could be an option too if you’re planning to head to a Church Service or a lovely dinner with family. 

I hope you all indulge in way too much chocolate, spend some quality time with your families and rock the heck out of your outfits!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

Skincare Sunday: My Extensive Skincare Routine

I love a good routine, there is no sense in denying that; but my favourite routine of them all is my trusty skincare routine!

Of course, I’m sure like most, skincare was first introduced when I was a pre-teen. I remember starting with the classic Clean & Clear cleanser that was in the purple and green bottle… I don’t think for any particular reason, other than it was what my sister used and I was highly influenced by her! (Not like much has changed, except we now swap beauty-secrets and inspo! Hehe)

Years later, while at Zellers (throwback lol miss that store!), I remember asking my mom for the newly dropped Clean & Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser. You know, the citrus stuff that was all the rage in the magazines… Okay, it could’ve just been something that I was hyped about BUT still #LevelUp! Lol. 

Anyways, I started to get more and more into skincare when I was 14 or 15. I went to my first summer camp with a Modeling Agency. They taught us about different skin-types, the steps to a good skincare routine, and the golden rule of: “less is more!” 

After that spa day/ skincare class, I remember going to Shoppers Drug Mart to pick out some moisturizer to add to my routine. Between the cleanser and the moisturizer, that was the start to my “skincare routine”.

Although, I learned about washing my face before bed growing up, it wasn’t until I was prescribed a gnarly medication about 4 years ago (shortly after losing my hair) that I had to be extremely cautious of my skin, especially in the sun. 

This cautiousness led me to learn about the importance of a good skincare routine. 

Disclaimer: I’m not a dermatologist. I just love researching the skin. Truthfully, if I ever had a change in career,  that’s what I’d choose!

I’m a skincare junkie, there’s just no denying it! 

I’ve created a step-by-step routine for those days thatI really feel like pampering myself a little extra! Most of the products I use daily, but some are only used 2-3X a week.

With that, here is my 100-step… jk, 12-step extensive skincare routine in order including product details: 

Step 1: Remove makeup 

I personally love the Kirkland (Costco brand) makeup remover wipes. I find that they remove makeup SO well. (They even remove the stubborn waterproof makeup!)

Shameful confession: sometimes after a night of drinking (or if I’m super tired), and I don’t feel like doing my full nighttime routine, I’ll just use one of these bad boys to remove my makeup before I hit the sheets. I guess, the positive is that I actually remove my makeup! Lol.  

 Step 2: Cleanse

Cleanser is something that I switch up every 6-9 months to try something different. My current favourites are cleansers by Tatcha – I was using the Gentle Exfoliant for a while, and I’ve just recently started using The Rice Wash. Both have been amazing!!! 

For those days/nights that I wear makeup (+ in the shower), I’ll use my Clarisonic for a deeper clean. 

Step 3: Facial Steaming

About 3 times a week I’ll steam my face with my facial steamer. I just found it on Amazon, and it’s done me wonders! 

If you don’t have a facial steamer, a hot steamy shower does the same trick! Steaming the face is fabulous for opening up the pores, and softening the blackheads and dirt making it easier to remove.

Step 4: Exfoliate

I typically exfoliate my face once or twice a week either after steaming or in the shower (after cleansing), using the Kiehls Microdermabrasion Exfoliant. It leaves my skin smoother than a babies bum.

Tip: although exfoliating is great for the skin, too much can actually be harmful. If you’re thinking of starting, start with once a week, and move up as your skin builds its tolerance.

Step 5: Face Mask

I love a good face mask! Sheet masks are typically my go-to for a quick refresh of the skin – they add so much additional moisture to the skin leaving it so beautifully dewy! 

Lately, I have been using the Origins Charcoal Clay Mask again. It’s always been a fave, along with their Rose Clay mask. I personally love that I can notice it actively working in my skin, leaving my face smooth, radiant and even more plump. 

Step 6: Toner

Toner is so great for shrinking the pores, balancing out the pH levels, and refreshing the skin.  It is truthfully one of my fave steps in my skincare routine!

I’ve been using the Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Toner by REN Clean Skincare. I’ve tried a few, but currently this one takes the cake! I love the AHA component to this toner. AHA reduces the appearance of blackheads, and also doubles as a gentle exfoliant.

Step 7: Vitamin C Serum

A Vitamin C Serum is the first ingredient to my secret sauce of glowing skin. It’s hydrating, brightening and ALSO evens out the skin tone.

Summer Fridays CC Me Vitamin C Serum has been my go-to for years now! 

Step 8: Eye Lash Serum

It’s a good rule of thumb to wait about 1-2 minutes between serums to allow them to absorb into the skin. 

With that being said, while I let my Vitamin C soak in, I apply a lash serum by Eye Envy to my upper lash line. Eye Lash Serums are a wonderful way to stimulate and promote lash growth. 

Step 9: Hyaluronic Acid

Next, I apply my Hyaluronic Acid by The Ordinary – just a dash for the secret sauce hehe. 

Hyaluronic Acid helps reduce the visible signs of aging (i.e. fine lines and wrinkles) and promotes hydrating-looking skin. (A lot of people are afraid of this guy because of the word acid… don’t be! In the beauty industry, think of it as a technical term for the word moisture.)

Step 10: Moisturizer

Once the hyaluronic acid has soaked in, I put on my moisturizer. I’m OBSESSED with my Aquasource Rich Cream by Biotherm. It is the perfect formula that doesn’t leave my skin feeling sticky.

The benefits of a moisturizer are a given! They reduce the signs of aging, help promote healthy looking skin and protects the surface of the skin.

Step 11: Sunscreen

Y’all! Wear your SPF!!! 

Wearing sunscreen daily is quite frankly the MOST important ingredient to what I keep referring to as, The Secret Sauce! SPF most importantly reduces the risk of skin cancer, protects against sunburns, and prevents early signs of wrinkles and fine lines. 

I often get asked what moisturizer I use, and truthfully, I believe it’s the glow from the sunscreen! My current go-to has been the Elta MD Daily Tinted SPF 40. I love that it evens out the skin-tone, and leaves my skin looking dewy! (+ that it protects from all of the harmful rays.)

Step 12: Lip Mask

Whether it’s my go-to lip mask by Laneige, or just a simple lip balm, 95% of the time I have something on to moisturize the lips. Of course, like all kinds of moisturizers, a lip mask/balm is an excellent way of hydrating, and also provides elasticity to the lips. (A win in my books!)

And voila! Just like that - you’re done!

This may seem a bit intense to some; but like mentioned, this step-by-step is for the days that I’m really looking to pamper myself from home, especially on Sunday’s! Hehe. 

Trust, once you make your skincare routine a habit, it will become easy and seem like nothing!


Also, while creating my step-by-step skincare routine, I was also thinking of some additional skincare pointers to think about!

Tip #1: Less is more

Of course, we all want the radiant, dewy-looking skin, but too much can cause breakouts and blemishes. When applying serums, or moisturizing agents, it’s important to remember the key of “less is more”. Just a dime-sized amount can go a long way!

Tip #2: Be mindful 

Be mindful if/when you are researching the listed skincare – every skin type is different and requires difference forms of treatment. For me, as mentioned, I’ve done an extensive amount of research and found products that work for my skin-type and budget. 

Tip #3 Drink water

Drinking H20 is the BEST way to achieve healthy-looking & feeling skin. Water is so underrated! It improves skin tone, maintains the pH levels of the body, reduces puffiness, prevents acne, and the list goes on and on. My tip to you: start your new skincare goals with drinking more water!!!

To me, skincare is worth the investment — it’s an investment within yourself. Start now — your future self will certainly thank you!

Here’s to dewier, healthier, and youthful-looking skin babes!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave

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Birthday Vibes: 25 Lessons for 25 Years

Yesterday, March 7th, I turned the big 2-5 – I’m officially a quarter of a century babyyyyy! WOO!!!

Yes, for the record, I am the type of person that celebrates her birthday for a month long… well maybe not quite a month… BUT I for sure get amped-up a few weeks out! LOL

Birthdays have always been a big deal in my books! 

As a kid, my parents always planned a super fun brunch or dinner and/or celebration with friends & family; so, I guess you could say that I’ve sort of kept the traditions alive! Hehe. 

Actually, this year, one of my best friend’s and I planned our birthday celebration together! 

Our bday’s are 3 days apart AND we are both ’96, Pisces baby’s aka we are both 25 this week!!!!! 

We are both super extra (perhaps it’s a Pisces thing?? Lol.) – SO! It’s only natural that we got all glammed up and had a pink & sparkly themed party!!!

I found some pink “25” balloons, and THE cutest pink glittery plates + cups on Amazon & my bestie found some other darling décor to jazz things up!!! 

We got together with some of our closest friends, and had a super intimate gathering; although, my gal pal and I are both bold people, we thrive in an intimate setting!!!

My parents are the GOAT’s (Greatest Of All Time) and house-swapped w/ my love & I; and, the wonderful cook that my dad is, he prepared dinner for all of us! It was SO delicious & everything was SUCH a hit!!! 

AND to top it all off, when we showed up on Saturday 2 of our besties had gone behind our backs to decorate my parent’s garage… There was glammed up champagne bottles, glitter-infused drinks, a delicious custom cake, & a gorgeous photo wall – we were both in such shock, and still cannot thank those girlies enough for pouring their purest hearts of gold into making us feel so loved & special!!! 

The party was a blast!!!!!! Ekkk I am still super grateful beyond words for everyone who celebrated with us!!! 


With that, I feel like 25 is such a major year! 

Although I feel like I have my life under control with my dream career, car, house and man… I’ve just always had this image in my mind that 25 was the year I’d get my shit together… LOL 

At this point, I don’t know what that even means anymore (lol), but I do feel some kind of different fire feeling about this year!!! 

In my 25 years on this beautiful earth, I have accomplished a lot, and I’ve also CONQUERED a lot too! (I can elaborate on all of that some other time!)

I am so grateful for all of the lessons, experiences & people who have shaped me into the women that I am today!!!

This week, I have created a list of 25 Lessons in 25 Years: 

(I’ve basically curated a list of quotes that all have special meaning to me and have guided me through these 25 glorious years!!! So here it is:) 

1.     Be kind! For everyone you meet is fighting a battle, you know nothing about!

2.     Be the energy you wish to attract.

3.     Be yourself – everyone else is taken.

4.     Be as bubbly as your drink.

5.     Be fearlessly authentic.

6.     In a world full of cheerios, be a fruit-loop.

7.     If you want to be original, be prepared to be copied.

8.     Always dress like it’s the best day of your life.

9.     Well behaved women rarely make history.

10.  Self-care is not an expense. It’s an investment.

11.  Invest in your hair. It is the crown that you never take off.

12.  The truest form of beauty starts from the heart.

13.  When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

14.  Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.

15.  You are allowed to make a big deal out of the things that are important to you.

16.  It’s better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.

17.  If you believe it, you can achieve it.

18.  With chaos comes opportunity.

19.  Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.

20.  You are resilient, and you can get through anything.

21.  You are in charge of your body – take care of it!

22.  Chronic illness doesn’t define you but allow it to redefine your life in a beautiful way. 

23.  Unconditional love exists. – be willing to embrace and accept it.

24.  Everything happens for a reason.

25.  Be inspired by being the best version of yourself.

I hope you’ve all found some inspiration & wisdom from this list of lessons!

Here’s to another 25+ more years of valuable lessons, fabulous experiences, & wonderfully meaningful people!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave


Attitude of Gratitude: 4 Gratitude Journal Prompts

I often get asked questions like, “Are you always this happy?” And the truth is, yes... well, most of the time — I’m only human after all! Hehe. 

I aspire to look at life in a “cup half full, rather than a cup half empty” approach; and I truly believe that “everything happens for a reason.” 

Although I’ve always been a relatively positive person; my deep dive into my gratitude journey truthfully began when I was diagnosed with an Inflammatory Bowel Disease at a young age. And more recently, when I was in the hospital for an extended period of time about 4 years ago. 

That journey from sickness to health really opened my eyes to have an attitude of gratitude and to see the beauty that’s all around us. 

In a world full of pain and suffering, there is always SO much good around us — although some days you have to look harder than others; the bottom line is, if you’re willing to receive and appreciate that ounce of goodness, it will be right at your fingertips!

Gratitude allows you to see through a clearer lens, to see the lessons learned in struggling times, and to accept each day as a gift! 

Of course, I am a huge believer in a gratitude journal! I believe that by expressing thoughts of thankfulness on paper, it makes the emotions more concrete and magical! (I especially love using it as a tool to reflect back on and see how much I’ve grown over time!)

Here are 4 of my favourite gratitude journal prompts: 

1.    List at least 5 things you are grateful for today.

It doesn’t matter what it is, big or small – list what comes to mind first. I learned from Rachel Hollis to get specific. By getting specific, your list becomes more elaborate, and your thoughts become deeper.

Start this prompt with: “Today I am grateful for...” 

For example, think of things like, family/friends, the weather or even what you love about your outfit. Tip: Write as your brain wanders.

2.    Describe your favourite person, and list your favourite qualities about them.

Learn to appreciate the people around you better by paying closer attention to your favourite things about them. With doing so, be prepared to fall even deeper in love with them.

Start this prompt with: “My favourite person is… and my favourite qualities about them are…”

Write each quality as a separate entry and describe in as much detail as possible. Fun idea: read this list aloud to that person!

3.    Describe one of the best experiences in your life, and list reasons it made you feel such pride.

Think for a moment! What is something wonderful that has happened to you? What was it about this experience that stands out to you as one of your best?

Start this prompt with: “One of the best experiences in my life was… It made me feel such pride and/or joy because…”

Be prepared to begin looking at new and/or exciting experiences with more joy and appreciation. Disclaimer: energy is contagious – if you’re excited and appreciative of an experience, chances are that same thrill of emotion will be reflective in those experiencing that moment with you.

4.    Write at least 10 things about yourself and describe each trait in detail.

This is a fabulous way to reflect and appreciation yourself for who you are. It is a perfect opportunity to really get deep with yourself, and to begin noticing things daily. After all, loving yourself is the deepest most sincere love to ever feel!

Start this prompt with, “10 things I love about myself are… I love this [insert trait] because…”

This prompt is so incredible for either beginning to love and accept yourself more, or to simply acknowledge and give more energy to those areas and things YOU love most! Tip: Try embracing these traits/characteristics/things more to your people, and be prepare for others to begin noticing and commenting on these beautiful things.

Like mentioned above, expressing, showing, and sharing gratitude is so amazing for seeing through a more clear lens. What I mean is: gratitude allows you to gain a new perspective to what is most important to you and what you truly appreciate in your life. 

Personally speaking, after some time, I have begun to see the sunshine on each gray and rainy day. I tend to look for the lessons in the less than great situations. AND I have built so many deep, genuine, and meaningful relationships by choosing gratitude! 

Truly, the more grateful I am, the more beauty I see!

I encourage you all to pick up a journal and begin writing!!! 

I hope you all find miracles, joy and more of a lust for life in the coming days/weeks/months/years!!!!!!!

With so much love and gratitude,


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave


Valentine's Day: Oufit Inspo

Of course, if you’ve already been a little CUPID and just need some outfit ideas, I’ve gotcha covered!!!

Valentine’s Day outfits don’t have to be the cheesy dressing in head-to-toe hearts, or wearing all of the red or pink. Although that can be cute, try incorporating it in subtle aspects of your ‘fit, instead of screaming Valentine’s in your face. LOL! 

When creating this list, I was thinking sexy date-night, but made it comfy + cute

With that in mind, here are 4 of my personal picks for Valentine’s Day Outfit Inspo’s:

1.     Bodysuit w/ Sweats


I feel like everyone’s got a solid collection of matching loungewear by now… don’t worry no one is judging! We’re all right there with ya! 

Why not spice this comfy vibe up by making it sexy with a bodysuit instead of that matching sweater!? Comfort but make it say Valentines?????

I’ve paired 2 of my fave pieces in my closet to make this magically-cozy look come to life – a simple black bodysuit (a closet staple), and a pair of sweats in a gorgeous beige! 

Any colour of bodysuit to match whatever pair of sweats you’ve got is simply sexy, yet gorgeous! 

2.     Slouchy sweater w/ Bralette & Leggings or Denim


Let that slouchy sweater hang over your shoulder (giving that cold shoulder vibe… but of course not actually! ;)) -- show off that cute little bralette! Then whatever your comfort zone is: leggings or adventure with a pair of denim perhaps!? 

I’ve personally adventured on this sexy-slouchy look w/ a comfy AF pair of distressed “[Dog] Mom Jeans” (legit, I could wear them 24/7, they’re that good!!) 

Another cute option could be a pair of faux leather leggings!?!? Another go-to of mine when I’m feelin’ this vibe! 

3.     Sweater Dress w/ tights


Y’all sweater dresses are THE COMFIEST, most darling piece of clothing – they are so versatile! Throw on some tights and make it the cutest little Valentine look! 

I’ve paired my sweater-dress w/ a skinny designer belt + a headband & some fun sparkly tights! I totally feel like Sparkle is Valentine’s-y (if you know what I’m sayin’! Lol… totally just made that word up!)

This option is perfection for the frigid temps expected for this February 14th in Ontario… all the more reason to cuddle up close with your Valentine!!! 

4.     Bodysuit w/ Distressed Denim


Okay this one, again, is for those adventure seekers looking to wear some denim ;) HAHA! 

I love this sexy yet simple look for any kind of date night but esp. for V-day vibes!

I’ve chosen another black, sexy, deep plunging bodysuit to accompany those same fabulous “Mom Jean’s” -- making this casual dressed-up look. I am here for this look!!! Well, because the “No Bra Club” has been very much embraced over the last year, and this ‘fit certainly embraces that!!! Weeooo… a little risqué, but that’s Valentine’s Day for ya!  


Make this Valentine’s sexy, cozy, or cute! Whatever vibe you’re going for, embrace it and rock the s*** out of it!!!

I hope this list of outfit inspo has sparked some ideas for you this Valentine’s Day!!! 

Sending you all so much LOVE!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave


Valentine's Day: 5 Love Languages - 5 Simple & Affordable Ways to Say I Love You

I just love, love! 

Truthfully, I’m more of a celebrate love all year round kinda gal; but, I do adore Valentine’s Day! It’s another reason to wear allllll of the pink (I mean like I needed a reason lol), get intimate and romantic with my lover, and to consume copious amounts of chocolate… pretty much 3 of my favourite things right there ;)

There’s no shame in admitting it… I’m a hopeless romantic! LOL 

So much so, that a few years ago when I was doing some research on love, I discovered the 5 love languages.  

I took the online quiz, learned that my love language is Words of Affirmation; and then immediately made my love take it too! I discovered the true way to my man’s heart is through Acts of Service! Hehe.  

After learning about our love languages, I read, founder, Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages”. I’d highly recommend y’all take the free quiz – it’s been a game changer personally and in our relationship!

With that, I’ve rounded up some simple and affordable ways to say I love you this Valentine’s Day that speak to your love’s Love Language: 

(Here’s where the 5 Love Languages comes in: coincidentally, as I was creating this list, I noticed that they are all linked to one of the Five Love Languages! Like whaaaaat!)

1. Breakfast in Bed (Acts of Service)
Is your lover a sweet, or salty kind of person? Perhaps some heart shaped pancakes are on the menu? Or what about a yummy breakfast sammy!? Heck! Not a breakfast person? Coffee in bed is always a good idea too! (One of my fave things on weekends actually!) 

2. Love Letter (Words of Affirmation)
Tell your love all of the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful things you love and adore about them. Add some more spice by reading the letter out loud so they can hear it from you! They’ll be sure to feel all warm and fuzzy, and want to kiss your sweet loveable soul forever and ever!!! 

3. Plan a Long Walk (Quality Time)
Plan a new spot to take your babe for a walk. If the weather permits, plan a picnic. OR! If it’s cooler, pack some hot chocolate in a thermos.  This will be sure to hit them in the heartstrings, and leave them floating for days! 

4A. Bake Something (Receiving Gifts)
Check out the ingredients in the cupboards and bake something yummy! Perhaps your special someone has a favourite baked good!? Package it up, throw a bow on it and call it a precious gift from the heart. 


4B. A Basket of Favourite Snacks
Fill a basket with your honey’s favourite sweets and treats. This doesn’t have to cost a fortune, but it will for sure make your babe feel some kind of way!

^ okay so it doesn’t have to be food oriented, that’s just the way to my own heart ;) lol but the point is that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to tell your sweet love how much they mean to you.

5. Cuddles on the Couch (Physical Touch)
Netflix and chill perhaps?? LOL! Throw on a good rom-com, light some candles and give your lover some good intimate cuddles, and see where the night takes you! 

The Valentine’s Day inspo and ideas doesn’t end here, stay tuned for some Valentine’s outfit inspo coming soon!!! 

I’d love to know, what is your love language? Let me know in the comments below!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave


Self-Care: 10 Personal Favourites

Hello again beauties!!!

First of all, THANK YOU for the love on my official blog launch — I hope you all learned a little something new about me! 

Based on the responses I received, the biggest surprise was to find out that I was a home birth!!! Quick little sidenote: My mom has said time after time that it was her smoothest birth, and that she wishes she would’ve had homebirths for my sibs too! Let me just say she’s a SUPERSTAR!!! 

Anyways, that’s not why y’all are here… SELF-CARE is!!! (WHOOP!)

PSA: self-care isn’t selfish! Self-care is sexy! It’s loving yourself enough to take care of your mental, emotional and physical well-being.    

Before I begin, repeat this 3X:
I am worthy
I am strong
I am resilient
I am beautiful from the inside out
I am capable of leading with love.

How do you feel??  You may not realize it, but you’ve just filled yourself with compliments and kindness!!! 

As you’ve just done, self-care is a way of showing love to yourself. I mean, how fitting as we are about to enter the month of love! 

With that being said, and Valentine’s Day being right around the corner, I am sure many of you are thinking of ways to tell your s/o’s just how much you love them; but, have you asked yourself those same questions? How can I take care of myself better? How can I love myself more?

I’m here to share with you 10 of my personal faves for expressing self-care:


I know I know I know picking outfits + putting on makeup isn’t everyone’s thing; BUT how FIRE do you feel when you do have a killer outfit on!? Or when you put on some of your fave makeup products!? 

Personally speaking, I feel the most alive with an epic outfit + makeup on! AND it’s only natural that I start with this one because, well, I’M OBSESSED with both!

My favourite rule of thumb that I learned from my time on the runway is: “always put your best foot forward”. Even when that means a matching lounge set, some undereye concealer and filling in my brows! 

As the saying goes “look good feel good,” and what makes you feel good is a form of self-care!!! 


In case you didn’t already know, I love a good candle lit bubble bath w/ some epsom salts to chill the F out at the end of the day!!! 

Perfection is being in the tub and loosing myself in a good book, or a good epi. of Real Housewives on Hayu!  

Heck, if you don’t have a bath – running a warm shower and chilling under the water feels pretty dang incredible too!!! 

Although self-care is more than bubble baths – I personally find a lot of value by relaxing in the tub. Self-care is finding the importance of making time for yourself aka making yourself a priority!!!


IMO self-help books are the best way to get started on your self-care journey! 

A few of my faves are: Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, You are a BADASS by Jen Sincero, and my current read – Untamed by Glennon Doyle. 

I always feel so uplifted and empowered after reading a chapter or 2 of a good soulfully nourishing book! (Even better when I start to put the pen to paper on the realizations that come from reading!)

Self-help, self-love (however you wish to name it), books are an amazing way to dive deeper into loving, accepting and caring for yourself! I encourage you to pick up a good self-help book and get reading!!!


Oh my gosh does this one ever feel good!!! B/c oh baby, when those chemicals get workin’, I feel on top of the world!!! 

Whether it’s getting outside for a walk to fill the lungs up with fresh air, or getting a major sweat sesh in at the gym, trust, it feels AMAZING! (Not going to lie, on top of my workouts, I totally love having my pooch to keep me accountable for those 2 to sometimes 3 walks a day! Hehe… best little motivator ;) )

Bottom line is, showing your body some love through movement can boost your mood, increase your energy, and reduce stress and/or anxiety! Need I say more, but moving your body in some capacity is unreal for showing yourself loooove!

5.     GOOD EATS 

Remember: food is fuel; and, by filling yourself up with nutritious snacks and meals, you are promoting a stronger mind, body & soul. With that, consciously eating is being self-aware and showing appreciation for the skin that you are in. 

I like to eat in moderation, and live 80/20. Meaning I eat healthy 80% of the time. It works incredibly for me because I’m not hard on myself for eating something I’m craving! IMO, you still have to enjoy your food ;)

From movement to good eats, you are telling your body that you love it from the inside out, and that is SO IMPORTANT!!! 


Skincare is SO great for self-care! 

Not only because your future self will thank you; but, because it’s those 5-10 minutes to look in the mirror to embrace the wonderful human that you are!!! 

Like I similarly mentioned in tip #1, I love to live by always putting my “best foot forward.” For me, that’s starting and ending each day with my trusty skin-care routine. 

Caring for your skin, (and certainly for yourself!) can begin with drinking just a few extra glasses of aqua. It’s a simple start to creating a good skincare routine.

7.      SLEEP

Let’s just get this out there, I’m a professional napper! Lol.  

Heck, if you’re anything like me, it takes a few drops of CBD oil, some good essential oils diffused into the air before being conked out! Lol. Like mentioned, I’m a big fan of cat naps… sleeping is my go-to, always!!!  

In all seriousness though, getting those required 7-9 hours of sleep every night is the best thing to show some self-care daily! 

Sleep is crucial for recharging those internal batteries, mellowing out after a busy day, and of course for boosting your immunity. Do your best to catch those zzz’s!


Whether it’s reminiscing over some good oldies, or feeling myself over a vibey tune – it all makes me feel some kind of way!!!  

You know those songs that bring you to tears? Well, guess what? Crying can be therapeutic, and feeling your emotions is a form of self-care.

Or when you listen to a total vibe and all you want to do is dance in the middle of the street, or in your car at a red light or (my daily) in the kitchen cooking dinner!? Haha – that’s my fave!!! 

Another total favourite is going for a long a$$ walk or drive and cranking the tunes!!! 

Whatever it is for you, music (IMO) is therapy, and I truly believe that’s self-care right there! 


Y’all!!! THIS ONE IS MAJOR!!! 

I love sitting for a quick few minutes to get intentional with my thoughts – I write anywhere from 3-10 things daily. Typically I start by saying something about the weather or my coffee, and then I almost always brag on my lover, and I LOVE to drop gratification for my hype girls!!! 

Writing in a gratitude journal has seriously shifted my way of thinking. I now catch myself being more mindful of my surroundings, and pointing out specifics that bring me joy and fill me up with gratitude.

I challenge you to think of at least 3 things that you are grateful for daily! Be prepared to begin to shift your way of thinking, and to start observing your greatest joys in life!!! <— that right there is some major self-awareness, and self-awareness is self-care!  


I’ve saved this one for last for a reason… I totally feel it’s kind of the most important tip for self-care… LISTEN *clap* TO *clap* YOURSELF *clap*!!!

Listening to yourself means saying no when you just don’t have the gut feeling to do something. Listening to yourself is knowing when it’s best to take a rest day instead of overexerting yourself. Listening to yourself is knowing when you need space. Listening to yourself is knowing when you need your people to smother you with love. My personal fave is… listening to yourself is saying “if it’s not a HELL YES, then it’s a HELL NO!”

Listening to yourself is knowing what’s best for yourself, and that babe, is SELF CARE!!!

Truthfully babes, I could write on and on about all of these topics; but, the bottom line is that self-care is crucial!!!

Be more deliberate with your daily activities! Take care of your mental, emotional and physical health. Believe me, you are a wonderfully ambitious, capable and beautiful soul, and YOU DESERVE IT!

With all of that being said, I’d love to know, what does self-care look like to you!? Send me a DM or let me know in the comments below!!! 

Sending you so much love!!!


That’s So Corbeau aka Rave
